精悍小短文翻译实例(集锦1) |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
精悍小短文翻译实例(集锦1) It's time to improve standard of written Chinese At the launch of each year's Speak Mandarin Campaign, a minister would deliver the opening speech in Mandarin, often painting a glowing picture of the future for the state of |
The Charming Character of Swedes |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
The Charming Character of Swedes All social occasions in Sweden are regulated by rules and traditions. And these traditions are expressed in a specific ritual made up of formal bows, handshakes, and greetings. When a visitor enters a Swedish home, he |
名人名言 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
精悍小短文翻译实例(集锦2) |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
精悍小短文翻译实例(集锦2) What makes Silicon Valley so successful and unique Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock to in search of fame, fast money and to participate in a te |
精悍小短文翻译实例(集锦3) |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
精悍小短文翻译实例(集锦3) Elite with flawed character HE's free from stains who seeks no gains— I didn't understand the maxim at all when it was penned down in my autograph book by my Chinese teacher when I was graduating from secondary school, nor |
朱镕基答记者问-中英对译 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
朱镕基答记者问-中英对译 意大利《24小时太阳报》记者:有人认为,10年以后世界会有3种大货币,美元、欧元,另一个不知道是亚洲的日元还是人民币?你觉得人民币有这个可能性吗? Some people believe that there will emerge three major currencies in the world.One |
中国青年在想些什么?(中文对照) |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
中国青年在想些什么? ● 孙文后 “青年人常思将来,老年人常思既往”。青年人对于社会有着敏锐的反应能力,并且引导着时代的潮流。但青年不是生活在真空里的,社会背景极大地影响着他们的选择。 鲁迅先生这样概括当时中国的状况:“中国现在是一个进向大时代的时代。但 |
古诗翻译 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
电脑表情符号以及电子邮件中的缩写 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
Emoticons and E-mail Shorthand Smileys are tiny pictures made from ordinary ASCII characters that are meant to be looked at with the head tilted to the left. Smileys came about when e-mail correspondents felt the need to convey emotional content such |
英文谚语 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
The Becutiful Horse(2)--The king's daughter |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
The king's daughter 国王的女儿 When Aziz had gone,the king called his wise men together.he said: 'the horse is the finest I have ever seen,but the price is too high.' 'Yes,the price is too high,'they all said. But there was one man who wanted to plea |
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