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Emoticons and E-mail Shorthand

      Smileys are tiny pictures made from ordinary ASCII characters that are meant to be looked at with the head tilted to the left.

      Smileys came about when e-mail correspondents felt the need to convey emotional content such as sarcasm, laughter and other feelings as part of their messages.

      Without smileys, simple statements could easily be misinterpreted:
You're an idiot! :-)

      Sometime during 1981, Scott Fahlman, who is now a Principle Research Scientist in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, devised a scheme for encoding and conveying one's feelings as small text "glyphs" to overcome this frustration.

      Scott was the first to use smileys in electronic mail and in posts to BBS message boards and Internet newsgroups, as well as in personal e-mail.






??在1981年的某个时候,卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)电脑学院的首席科学家Scott Fahlman发明了一种编码方法,可以用小的文本符号来传递人的感情,突破文字的局限。

??Scott是第一个使用微笑符号的人,他将其用在电子邮件中,BBS上的贴子中,互联网新闻组中,以及私人电子邮件中。 (来源:EnglishCN.com)
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