“2008失败国家指数”出炉(2008 Failed States Index) |
日期:2008-06-25 06:49:58
英国《金融时报》詹姆斯布利茨(James Blitz)伦敦报道 2008年6月25日 星期三 对世界上最动荡国家的一项年度评估显示,索马里首次被列为世界最不稳定的国家,而以色列也已进入60个最脆弱国家之列。 由于达尔富尔危机,《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)杂志与和平基金会(Fund |
[应用写作] 中英对照:简易合同样本 |
日期:2008-05-08 01:22:19
CONTRACT AGREEMENT made this _______ day of ____________, 20_____, between ______________________, hereinafter called _______________, and ______________________, hereinafter called _____________. WHEREAS, ________________; WHEREAS, ________________ |
中英双语:会员服务协议AGREEMENT |
日期:2008-04-24 05:21:32
会员服务协议AGREEMENT 根据中华人民共和国合同法及相关法律法规规定,北京$$$有限公司(以下简称本公司)及会员根据本协议所列条文,以及同意此协议受法律所约束的情况下,一致达成如下协议﹕ Beijing $$$ Co., Ltd. (the Company) and the Member, intending to be l |
中英对译:“病不起”的中国人 |
日期:2007-09-26 07:19:27
If you are Chinese, try very hard not to be ill Richard McGregor l will not easily forget the first time I entered a Chinese hospital, a few years ago and not just because I was ferrying my pregnant wife into the maternity ward in the freezing pre-d |
[英语笑话] 英语笑话中英对照 |
日期:2007-08-16 21:50:22
Anxious (着急) The wife says to the neighbor: My husband has not returned all the night; I do not know where he went . It really gives me a hangup(难以摆脱的烦恼,焦虑)! An insider(知情人) says: Let it be. Would you know where he went, I dare to s |
关于Opportunity(机遇)的经典段落 |
日期:2007-08-14 07:22:21
Opportunity 善待机遇 Opportunity The air we breathe is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet without it we could not survive more than a few minutes. For the most part, the same air is available to everyone, and everyone needs it. Som |
[更多行业] 大学系别名称中英文对照 |
日期:2007-08-10 07:50:47
会计系 Dept. of Accounting 农业系 Dept.of Agriculture 农业经济系 Dept.of Agricultural Economics 农业化学系 Dept.of Agricultural Chemistry 农业工程系 Dept.of Agricultural Engineering 畜牧系 Dept.of Animal Husbandry 人类学系 Dept.of Anthropology |
[法律英语] 双语:大西洋宪章 THE ATLANTIC CHARTER |
日期:2008-01-02 01:47:18
美利坚合众国总统和代表联合王国的首相丘吉尔,经过会商,觉得把他们两个国家政策上若干共同原则(对更好的未来世界的希望即以次为基础)在此时向世界宣布,是合适的。 第一, 他们两个国家不寻求任何领土的或其它方面的扩张; 第二, 他们不希望看见发生任何与有关人 |
朱自清《匆匆》Rush--中英对译 |
日期:2007-07-26 06:26:36
Rush《匆匆》 Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again. Now, you the wise, tell me, why should our days leave |
爱一回 A Time To Love |
日期:2007-07-26 06:20:18
Freewind Gingerblaze Location: USA Occupation: Writer Interests: The World Signature: Following a star and a dream in the celebration of Life and Love. For me, writing is Life and sharing it with others is Love. Extra Info: A teller of tales in poet |
学校课程名称翻译大全 |
日期:2008-02-19 05:57:04
大学英语--------------College English 高等数学--------------Advanced Mathematics 体育------------------Physical Education 军事理论--------------Military Theory 机械制图--------------Mechanical Graphing 算法语言--------------Algorithmic Language 大学 |
朱自清-荷塘月色(中英对译) |
日期:2007-07-20 20:34:01
The last few days have found me very restless. This evening as I sat in the yard to enjoy the cool, it struck me how different the lotus pool I pass every day must look under a full moon. The moon was sailing higher and higher up the heavens, the so |
爱你的一百个理由(中英对照) |
日期:2007-06-07 05:31:42
1 因为爱你 所以爱你 because i love you,so i love you 2 因为你爱我 所以我爱你 because you love me,so i love you 3 因为世界上没有人比我更爱你 because no one in the world love you more than me 4 因为无时无刻想著你 because i miss you every moment 5 因 |
朱子家训翻译欣赏 |
日期:2007-04-06 18:53:26
朱子家训是我国古时的家庭礼教文化精华,使人通人事,明事理, 而张香桐院士的译文无论从用词,达意,音韵等方面都堪称翻译的典范, 现摘抄数篇供大家欣赏。 (1)一粥一饭,当思来之不易。 半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰。 The growing of rice and of grain Think on whene |
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