商务外语:行销英语100招 |
日期:2008-02-25 02:29:29
1. 如何招揽顾客 一般程序:招呼―问候―寻找相关话题―理出商谈头绪。所以,打招呼很重要,无论顾客有没有表现购买意愿,您都应该上前问候一句:What can I do for you?或May I help you?,也可说:Can I be of any assistance?,如果是熟客,可简单说声:Good afterno |
[商务英语] 商务英语中易犯的五个错误 |
日期:2008-01-28 03:14:22
在竞争激烈的商务世界,你需要占领所有的优势。并且无懈可击的英语能让你独占鳌头。你认为太难实现吗?一点也不!看一下你的竞争对手常犯的商务英语错误列表并马上占领领先地位:Personal vs. Personnel 密切注意这些单词的拼写和重音!Personnel是个名词意思是公司的 |
[应用写作] 教你如何写英文招标书How to Write a Request for Proposal (RFP) |
日期:2007-09-23 12:17:13
How to Write a Request for Proposal (RFP) 教你如何写英文招标书 Because many organizations may not have the specialized talents and capabilities to create interactive training, it may become necessary to request the assistance of an outside vendor or |
外贸员必须具备的英语标准 |
日期:2007-08-31 17:43:49
我见到很多做外贸或将做外贸的朋友,都存在这样的疑惑外贸人员应该具备什么样的英语水平?如果有人回答是四级、六级或八级,我立刻会说此人肯定不是好业务。首先是他的判断力有问题,其次是他的认知力有问题。草率的判断力、肤浅片面的认知力,怎么可能是一个好的外贸 |
[商务英语] 实用商务英语名句详细解读 |
日期:2008-01-09 01:21:45
1.a buyers market买方市场 market在这里是行情的意思。买方市场是有利于购买者的行情。与之相对的是a sellers market(卖方市场)。 A: Have you bought the house?你已买房子了吗? B: I dont know how to choose it. There are a lot of apartments on sale.我不知 |
英语“计划”的几种翻译方法 |
日期:2007-11-09 03:21:31
不要用太多will这个字,在英语词汇中有很多字都可用来表达将来的事。will这个字太确定,不适合用在计划上。 例句和建议: Well, ... as you know, at the moment I'm studying at ... Well, ... as I told you before, at the moment I'm working at ... I'm prepari |
商务词汇点滴汇集 |
日期:2008-01-17 01:57:05
【1】-in the red Explanation: A business with cash flow difficulties may ask its bank for an overdraft: their account at the bank is then in the red. So in the red means the condition of showing loss. Overdraft, 指透支。当企业的现金周转陷入困境时, |
[热词新词] 几个比较热的经济术语 |
日期:2007-12-29 02:56:02
1、扭亏为盈 turn loss into profits 2、减员增效 increase efficiency by downsizing (reducing/cutting) the staff 3、使国有大中型企业摆脱困境 extricate the large and medium-size State-owned enterprises from their predicament 4、政企分开 separate administ |
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