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basement 地下室 例句: Are the pipes of the sprinkler system in the basement or on the mezzanine floor? 能告诉我喷水系统的管子是在地下室还是在夹层楼面吗? uUlsda E leave me alone 别理我 例句: Leave me alone! I don't want to take part in it. 别理我!我不想参加这件事。 Can I have the day off next Thursday? 我下周二能请一天假吗? 例句: A: Can I have the day off next Thursday? B: All right. u<`da E A:我下周二能请一天假吗? B:没问题。 sewing machine 缝纫机 例句: With the sewing machine I can produce two times more work than sewing by hand. 有这台缝纫机,我的产出是手缝的三倍。 let bygones be bygones 让过去的事成为历史吧 例句: Don't take it too hard. Let bygones be bygones. 不要放在心上,过去的事就让它过去吧。 @UUlsC|3. What is the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? 例句: A: What is the weather like today? B: I'm afraid it'll rain soon. @UUlsC|3. A:今天天气怎么样? B:恐怕很快就要下雨了。 access 进入,使用 例句: Only authorized personnel can have access to this room. 只有得到许可的人才可以进入该房间。 be on edge 坐卧不安,十分烦躁 例句: We are all on edge to know the election results. 我们都急切地想知道竞选的结果。 I can't resist the temptation. 我不能抵挡诱惑。 对话: A: Kate, you went shopping again. Don't you know we've overspent this month? B: I know. But I just can't resist the temptation of nice clothes. A:凯特,你又去买东西了。你难道不知道这个月我们已经超支了吗? B:我知道。可是我无法抵挡漂亮衣服的诱惑。 blip 光点 例句: In today's society, most paperwork has been replaced by blips on a computer screen. (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com) 在今天的社会里,多数的案头工作已经被计算机屏幕上的光点所代替。 to say nothing of 更不必说 例句: He has great wisdom, to say nothing of his engaging manners. 他智慧过人,更不必说他的翩翩风度了。 You need a sense of urgency. 你需要有紧迫感。 对话: A: Jack, you are behind in your work. B: I couldn't help it. A: Of course, you can. You need a sense of urgency. A:杰克,你的工作进度落后了。 B:我没办法。 A:你当然有办法。你只是需要有一些紧迫感。 blitz 突击,闪电式行动 例句: Every summer we usually see a new beer advertising blitz. 每年夏天我们都会看到新的啤酒广告突击行动。 nothing to speak of 不足挂齿;微不足道 例句: He said that what he had done was nothing to speak of. 他说他所做的事情微不足道。 Make your dream come true. 让你的梦想成真。 对话: A: Jane, do you have any ambition? B: Sure I have. I want to be a translator. A: It's good to have that idea. But you have to get well prepared to make your dream come true. A:简,你有什么打算吗? B:当然有了。我想当一名翻译。 A:有那样的想法是好事。可是要让你的梦想成真,你得做好充分的准备呀。 blurb (封面等处的)推荐性广告 例句: He gets a kick out of reading the blurb on cereal boxes. 他以读谷类食品包装盒上的广告为乐。 odds and ends 零星杂物 例句: Even the odds and ends may be of use to him. 即使是零星杂物也会对他有用的。 We can get by. 我们还过得去。 对话: A: We need more computers in our office. B: I agree. I'll apply for a new one. But it will take some time. A: That's all right. We can get by with the present computer. A:我们办公室需要更多的电脑。 B:我同意。我将申请一台新电脑。可是这得需要一些时间。 A:没关系。有现在的电脑我们还过得去 bottleneck 瓶颈;障碍 例句: The lack of personnel has caused a bottleneck in the shipping department. 人员缺乏已经给货运部带来了困难。 That's the way it is. 就是这么回事。 give offence 冒犯 例句: If you are in the right, don't be afraid to give offence. 如果你是正确的话,就不要害怕冒犯别人。 对话: A: Doctor, my teeth hurt. B: I can tell from those little holes in your teeth that you like eating sweets. A: Is it because sweets decay my teeth? B: That's the way it is. A:医生,我的牙痛。 B:我从你牙里的小洞可以看出你喜欢吃糖。 A:是因为糖腐蚀牙齿吗? B:就是这么回事。 upbringing 教育 例句: She is in little doubt that the condition has a genetic base and is not caused by upbringing. 她毫不怀疑这种状况是又遗传引起的,而绝不是后天教育的结果。 count on… 依靠……;指望…… 例句: They are counting on selling at least 5,000 copies of this film. 他们指望着这部电影至少卖5,000个拷贝。 What's the deadline? 截止到什么时候? 对话: A: Mr.Brown, can I put off my final paper until next week? B: I'm afraid you can't. A: Then, what's the deadline? |
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