中国世界性发明列表 |
日期:1970-01-14 22:04:01
中国除了四大发明还有什么是世界闻名的呢? 中国人为人类发明了豆腐, 面条,你知道吗?赶快看一下这个由本站EnglishCN.com为您整理的列表,多了解一下自己的祖国。 List of Chinese inventions China is said to be the source of some of the world's great inv |
[常用好词] 中国古代四大发明怎么说?The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China |
日期:2007-03-11 19:21:54
The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China (中国古代四大发明) compass 指南 gunpowder 火药 papermaking 造纸术 printing (movable type) 印刷术 Four Great Inventions of Ancient China -- printing Block Printing With the inventions of paper and ink, stamp |
使用网络可能有损心理健康 |
日期:1970-01-14 21:37:57
Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well-being, according to research at Carnegie Mellon University. Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged |
糖-它会催人衰老 |
日期:2007-02-24 08:12:44
Sugar-It Could Age You 吃糖一向被视为肥胖者的大忌,除此以外,一般读者可能还知道吃糖与蛀牙、与某些心血管疾病的关系。可你是否想到过吃糖与人的衰老也有关系呢?本文则报道了这方面的最新研究成果,读后令人大长见识。 Rats that eat high levels of a natural sug |
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