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中国人为人类发明了“豆腐, 面条”,你知道吗?赶快看一下这个由本站EnglishCN.com为您整理的列表,多了解一下自己的祖国。 (来源:英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

List of Chinese inventions

China is said to be the source of some of the world's great inventions, including the 'Four Great Inventions of ancient China', a modern term which was coined by the British scholar Joseph Needham: Paper, the compass, gunpowder, and printing.

Other things which are claimed by various authors to have been first discovered, used or promoted by Chinese:

Abacus 算盘
Acupuncture 针灸
Cast iron 生铁
Celestial globe 浑天仪
Chinese calendar  中国农历
Chinese food: Tofu, Noodles  豆腐, 面条
Fireworks, rockets and multi-staged rockets 烟花,火箭,多级火箭
Hull compartments 船舱
Matches 火柴
Paper money 纸币
Kite 风筝
Porcelain 瓷器
Rudder 船舵
Seismograph 地震仪
Silk 丝绸
Stirrups 马镫
Tea 茶
Traditional Chinese medicine 中医
Umbrella 伞
Wheelbarrow 独轮车

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