最新调查表明早餐无用! |
日期:2014-09-29 21:30:46
It has long been hailed as the most crucial meal of the day, vital for getting the body going and preventing overeating later on. But breakfast may not be so vital after all, if new research is to be believed.Contrary to popular belief, the study fo |
中英文对照:电话提示语 |
日期:2014-05-13 08:15:46
1、空号: 中文:您好!您所拨打的号码是空号,请核对后再拨。 英文:Sorry! The number you dialed does not exist, please check it and dial later。 2、被叫用户关机: 中文:您好!您所拨打的电话已关机。 英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is power off。 |
安全驾驶的英文短语 |
日期:2014-05-06 08:35:26
随着有车一族的不断增多,交通安全问题更加需要关注。今天总结了一些关于安全驾驶的英文短语,一起来看看吧! 禁止标志: 禁喇叭 No horn 禁闯红灯 No jaywalking 禁止通行 No passing / No through traffic 禁止越线 Keep in lane 禁止汽车 Auto not permitted 不准回 |
神舟十号飞船今晚17:38升空 |
日期:2013-06-11 20:54:00
The Shenzhou-X spacecraft will be launched at 5:38 pm on Tuesday, sending two men and a woman into space on a mission that will lay the foundation for building a space station, said a spokeswoman for China's manned space program. The Long March 2F c |
乔丹起诉乔丹:你们用我的名字够久了! |
日期:2012-12-23 22:56:52
Former NBA star and current Bobcats owner Michael Jordan filed suit in a Chinese court against Qiaodan Sports Company Limited, a sportswear and footwear manufacturer, for unauthorized use of his name。 前NBA篮球巨星星、夏洛特山猫队现任老板迈克尔乔丹 |
[词汇22000] 横线思维与纵向思维英语怎么说?lateral thinking and vertical thinking |
日期:2012-07-04 00:48:29
lateral thinking Idea generation and problem solving technique in which new concepts are created by looking at things in novel ways. Whereas the logical ('vertical') thinking carries a chosen idea forward, the sideways ('lateral') thinking provokes |
长大成人的50个标志 |
日期:2012-07-01 10:58:43
多大年龄算是成年,各国法律有不同规定。英国一项最新调查总结出50个成年标志,其中既包括每月规划收支、关注利率、有自己的政治观点等智商情商方面的成熟表现,也不乏自己洗衣服、换灯泡、熨烫衣服等生活技能。 Key signs of adulthood are no longer relying on mum |
八种错误工作方式如同慢性自杀 |
日期:2012-05-08 15:22:59
How many times have you thought, This job is going to kill me? The truth is, you may have been right. For better or worse, a person's job plays a critical role in his or her mental and physical health. The good news is that there are some things abo |
Google发明神奇眼镜 |
日期:2012-04-23 21:33:18
If you venture into a coffee shop in the coming months and see someone with a pair of futuristic glasses that look like a prop from Star Trek, dont worry. Its probably just a Google employee testing the companys new augmented-reality glasses。 On We |
Vitamin(维生素/维他命)这个词是怎么来的? |
日期:2012-02-16 16:29:04
Vitamin(维生素/维他命)是英文Vital(至关重要的) 和amines(胺化合物)的合成词 维生素是对我们健康至关重要的化合物。他们首先被认为是氨基酸,即蛋白质的组成成分。今天,我们知道,有13种维生素对人体健康是必不可少的。通常你可以通过均衡的饮食得到你所需要的所 |
[视频电影] 纽约时报视频:iPhone经济 |
日期:2012-02-01 16:39:55
The iPhone Economy Manufacturing Decline Leads to Loss of Other Jobs 视频分析现在的产业结构如何导致美国就业问题难以解决 |
地球为什么是圆的? |
日期:2011-12-15 15:30:24
地球是太阳系从内到外的第三颗行星,也是太阳系中直径、质量和密度最大的类地行星。它也经常被称作世界。英语的地球Earth一词来自于古英语及日耳曼语。地球已有44~46亿岁,有一颗天然卫星月球围绕着地球以27.32天的周期旋转,而地球以近24小时的周期自转并且以一年的 |
如何在Word里面创建圣诞节邮件? |
日期:2011-12-14 04:31:54
How to Create a Christmas Family Newsletter in Microsoft Word By Catherine Johnson , eHow Contributor A Christmas newsletter is a great way to share your family's news. Christmas is the perfect opportunity to send out a family newsletter to friends |
飓风安全提示Hurricane Safety Tips |
日期:2011-08-28 01:41:08
Hurricane Safety Tips By Antonia James, eHow Contributor Hurricane damage in Sebastian, Florida 2004 Thanks to technology, meteorologists have the tools to inform the public when a hurricane is coming. Proper disaster preparation will prevent damage |
饮水过量危害健康 |
日期:2011-08-20 15:21:09
A report describes the danger of dehydration as a 'myth' andsays there is no evidence behind claims that water preventsmultiple health problems It is said to help us prevent kidneydamage, lose weight and increase concentration levels. Butexperts now |
如何自制枕头 How to Create My Own Pillows |
日期:2011-02-10 21:19:19
How to Create My Own Pillows By Chasity Goddard, eHow Contributor Update your furniture with custom pillows.istock.comChange the look of your upholstery or bedding with custom throw and accent pillows. Sew pillows of any size or shape in the same ba |
如何提高下载速度How to Increase Download Speed |
日期:2010-10-27 20:54:52
How to Increase Download Speed By an eHow Contributor I want to do this! What's This? The Internet is the fastest and easiest way to get all types of information and multimedia, but if you are stuck with slow download speeds, you are not getting the |
什么是防晒系数 SPF-Sun protection factor |
日期:2009-08-06 09:43:48
Definition of Sun protection factor (SPF) Sun protection factor (SPF): A number on a scale for rating the degree of protection provided by sunscreens. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. SPF numbers on a package can range from as low as 2 to as hi |
猪流感对于网络的影响 |
日期:2009-05-02 07:16:57
随着社会媒体的飞速发展,在网络上跟踪会话和趋势已经演变一种工艺,这是一种解构和重建重大新闻的强有力方式并吸引公众的想象力。你看,苏珊波伊尔(《英伦有才人》选秀中以一曲《悲惨世界》中《我曾有梦》而一鸣惊人的47岁英国平民大妈)在Twitter网(即时信息的一个变种, |
记得拨快一小时- 美国开始09年夏令时 |
日期:2009-03-08 20:14:34
Did you remember to set the clock ahead an hour? WASHINGTON (AP) -- Get ready for more outdoor fun. For most Americans, daylight saving time has returned, shifting an hour of light to the evenings. But there is a downside. Assuming you're not working |
人类历史上首次卫星相撞事故 Debris Spews Into Space in Collision of Satellites |
日期:2009-02-12 10:20:59
For decades, space experts have warned of orbits around the planet growing so crowded that two satellites might one day slam into one another, producing swarms of treacherous debris. It happened Tuesday. And the whirling fragments could pose a threa |
二十一世纪写好合同的五十招 |
日期:2009-01-03 08:33:47
Welcome to the 21st Century. Where practicing law requires us to don the garb of computers and the Internet. And where litigation is as costly as ever. Lawyer bills running $10,000 a month are not unusual in a hotly contested breach of contract laws |
20本英文书点亮你的人生智慧 |
日期:2008-12-31 07:27:02
1. Your Money or Your Life, by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robins. 关于理财的书籍,重点推荐这一本,你应该读一下。它了解大多数人的理财观念,并用简单有效的新方法改造你的生活。 我的理财经就是从这本书习得的。 2. Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, by Richard |
[精品文摘] 阅读:快乐是如何传播的? |
日期:2008-12-08 15:17:14
Laugh and the World Laughs With You: How Happiness Spreads Ever wonder whether happy people have something you don't, something that keeps them cheerful, chipper and able to see the good in everything? It turns out they do they have happy friends. T |
[词汇22000] 移动术语词汇表 Glossary of Mobile Terms |
日期:2008-11-17 10:29:50
The mobile and wireless market is moving faster every day. In the high-tech industry known for introducing a new technology just about every day, it's hard enough to keep up with all the new acronyms, let alone the basic terms. Use this tool to help |
开车时发短信比酒后驾车更危险 |
日期:2008-10-08 11:01:41
Sending text messages from your mobile phone while driving is more dangerous than climbing behind the wheel under the influence of drink or drugs, a study by Britain's Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) has found. The reaction times of people texti |
法新社:Chinese astronaut completes nation's first space walk |
日期:2008-09-28 11:11:31
Chinese astronaut completes nation's first space walk BEIJING (AFP) A Chinese astronaut Saturday became the first in his country's history to complete a space walk, a feat President Hu Jintao hailed as a major breakthrough for the emerging space pow |
China confirms third space mission will launch late today |
日期:2008-09-26 00:23:44
China confirms third space mission will launch late today Agence France-Presse China's third manned space mission, which will include the first space walk by a Chinese astronaut, will blast off late today, a senior official confirmed. The Shenzhou V |
Large Hadron Collider 大型强子对撞机试验 |
日期:2008-09-12 02:31:35
You might have never heard of the CERN laboratory, but this is all about to change. On 10th September 2008 the most powerful scientific experiment ever attempted will take place at this quiet research centre near Geneva on the border of France and S |
[实时新闻] Feature: Beijing Games close, but Olympic spirit here to stay |
日期:2008-08-26 02:12:45
By Sportswriter Zhou Yan BEIJING, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- The Beijing Olympic flame went out atop the futuristic Bird's Nest in northern Beijing Sunday night, marking the conclusion of what International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge describ |
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