中国网民数居世界首位 China has world's largest number of netizens |
日期:2008-07-25 00:22:29
(Xinhua) BEIJING - The number of Chinese netizens reached 253 million by the end of June, up 56.2 percent from 162 million in 2007, the most in the world, the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) said in a report on Thursday. The report |
英国将放弃英亩作为土地单位 NOW THE EU IS TO BAN THE ACRE |
日期:2008-07-21 22:53:18
Monday July 21,2008 By Gabriel Milland Political Correspondent THE acre is set to be banned after the EU announced that Labour has agreed to the abolition of yet another part of the British way of life. The traditional unit of land size will go the w |
奥运还有百万门票可得 1 million Olympic tickets still available |
日期:2008-06-25 16:26:11
Organizers of the Beijing Olympics said on Wednesday that about 6 million tickets for the Aug 8-24 Games have been purchased, accounting for 86 percent of the total tickets available for sale. Zhu Yan, head of the Beijing Olympics Ticketing Center, |
美元的起源 The origin of dollar |
日期:2008-03-11 10:15:11
美元的起源 The origin of dollar The origin of the almighty dollar is in what is now the Czech Republic. In 1519, a silver mine near the town of Joachimstal (literally Joachim's valley, from the German Tal, meaning valley) began minting a silver coin |
[节日与历史] Leap year - February 29th 闰年的二月二十九 |
日期:2008-03-11 09:39:05
2008 Leap Year 2008 谈闰年 29th February only happens once every four years The year 2008 has one extra day in it February 29th. This is because it's what we call 'a leap year'. Every four years, the year has 366 days in it instead of 365 but why |
微软买雅虎 Microsoft finds inside resistance |
日期:2008-02-03 11:54:44
Some Microsoft Corp shareholders say the software maker's 44.6 billion U.S. dollars bid for Yahoo! Inc may backfire and reduce its ability to compete with Google Inc in Internet consumer services and advertising. This is a stupid deal, and I'm not ha |
[实时新闻] Beijing to extend smoking ban ahead of Olympics |
日期:2008-01-23 14:42:33
BEIJING (AFP) Beijing is about to extend a ban on smoking in public places ahead of the Olympic Games despite the Chinese capital's image as a paradise for smokers who have faced few restrictions on where they can light up. According to a draft bill |
再没有免费塑料袋 From June, shops can't give free plastic bags |
日期:2008-01-11 03:30:58
A nationwide campaign against plastic bags has been launched, with the government banning production of ultra-thin bags and forbidding supermarkets and shops from handing out free carriers from June 1. People use too many of the bags and fail to dis |
公斤原型神秘变轻了Kilo prototype mysteriously loses weight |
日期:2007-09-13 18:06:28
By JAMEY KEATEN, Associated Press Writer PARIS - A kilogram just isn't what it used to be. The 118-year-old cylinder that is the international prototype for the metric mass, kept tightly under lock and key outside Paris, is mysteriously losing weigh |
[实时新闻] 兵马俑西征 Terracotta Warriors March West |
日期:2007-08-11 23:52:39
China's terracotta warriors are about to pay their visit abroad. They will be heavily guarded throughout their trip and received at a swank venue in London when they arrive on Monday. The 15 figures of different ranks, together with their carts and |
[实时新闻] 联合国教科文组织抨击新七大奇迹评选UNESCO slams new seven wonders list |
日期:2007-07-12 04:32:17
UNESCO slams new seven wonders list From correspondents in Lisbon July 09, 2007 THE UN body for culture overnight blasted a private initiative that drew nearly 100 million Internet and telephone voters to choose seven new wonders of the world. This |
世界“新七大奇迹”评选结果(中英报道) |
日期:2007-07-13 01:11:28
Global vote picks Seven Wonders The Great Wall of China is among the modern-day Seven Wonders A non-profit foundation has named the Seven New Wonders of the World at a ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal. The Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu in Peru, Braz |
战胜过敏的20种方法 20 Ways to Combat Allergies |
日期:2007-07-04 04:38:46
20 Ways to Combat Allergies Stop being sneezy with these simple strategies Annoying Allergies If the drip, sniff, sneeze, and itch of allergies have you thinking of buying stock in the company that makes Kleenex, dry your eyes and prepare to take ac |
提高视力的简单方法 Improve Your Vision |
日期:2007-07-04 04:29:13
Easy Ways to Improve Your Vision Learn how to keep your eyes in tiptop shape A Marvelous Sense Weekly Regimen 8. Walk at least four times a week. Some evidence suggests that regular exercise can reduce the intraocular pressure, or IOP, in people wit |
[精读泛读] A Kiss Is Just a... Pain |
日期:2007-07-04 04:30:28
America is a culture that cannot agree on how to end an evening. Some people are huggers. Some peck, some shake. Ed and I were at a dinner party last week that was particularly treacherous, in that it combined old friends and total strangers, each re |
10种方法帮你睡的更香 |
日期:2007-07-04 04:24:40
Easy Ways to Catch More ZZZs Desperate for a good night's sleep? Check out our tips and you could be sleeping better by tonight! If you've had one or two bad nights lately, you can probably solve the problem by taking some of the measures below. The |
缓解工作压力的秘方 Secrets to Managing Workplace Stress |
日期:2007-07-04 04:19:54
Secrets to Managing Workplace Stress The time you spend at the office may be the most stressful part of your day, but it doesn't have to be. You have a greater ability to shape your office environment than you may realize. Take breaks throughout the |
10大健康诀窍 Top 10 Nutrition and Fitness Tips |
日期:2007-07-04 04:12:38
Top 10 Nutrition and Fitness Tips Discovery Health Channel National Body Challenge medical advisor Dr. Pamela Peeke shares her top 10 tips. 1. Get real and be specific. Write down three or four realistic goals that you can stick to. For example, I w |
5个让你不饿的简单规则 5 Simple Rules to Beat Hunger |
日期:2007-07-04 04:08:02
Actually, one rule will do: Lower each meal's overall score on the glycemic index (GI) -- an indication of how quickly a meal drives up your blood sugar -- and you'll feel full longer. The index ranks foods against glucose, a sugar that scores 100. |
戏剧的起源 The Beginning of Drama |
日期:2007-07-04 03:48:23
There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The on most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual. The argument for this view goes as follows. In the beginning, human beings viewed th |
轻松快乐学英语“手机英语名词全解释”! |
日期:2007-06-23 23:24:36
1、TACS TACS的英文全称是TotalAccessCommunicationsSystem,它是一种全入网通信系统技术。该技术按照英国标准而设计的模拟式移动电话系统,其频率范围为900MHz。 2、NetDevice 按字面意思它是网络设备或网络装置,但实际上它既不是指路由器也不指交换机,而是能与Inte |
教你如何一眼辨别好男人 |
日期:2007-06-22 05:03:41
10 ways to spot a top-notch man in seconds. 1. IT'S A CHEMICAL ATTRACTION Pheromones, nature's sniffable love potion #9, provide us with important information about compatibility. Though aftershave or cologne can mask a man's pheromones, a recent st |
Big Apple为什么是纽约的别称? |
日期:2007-06-06 09:33:46
Big Apple Dating back to the early 1920's, this term refers to all horse racetracks around the city of New York. These tracks were the big money courses and the word apple refers to the prize. A few years later the term was used by musicians to desc |
爱因斯坦相信上帝吗? |
日期:2007-05-23 03:38:41
当有人问爱因斯坦Do you believe in God? 他是这么回答的: I believe in Spinoza's God , Who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind. 相关背景 In response the telegram |
[常用好词] 蛀牙怎么说?Tooth Decay |
日期:2007-05-02 08:57:17
decay 英音[ ]美音[ ] Sweets can decay the teeth. 糖果会蛀蚀牙齿。 Tooth Decay 蛀牙 相关报道: More Young Children Suffering From Tooth Decay By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter Monday, April 30, 2007; 12:00 AM MONDAY, April 30 (HealthDay News) -- |
下一个硅谷:西伯利亚(The next Silicon Valley: Siberia) |
日期:2007-04-03 04:21:33
The next Silicon Valley: Siberia A tech boom is giving life to a former Soviet center for science. IBM, Intel - and even Oprah - are paying attention. March 23 2007: 6:23 PM EDT (Fortune Magazine) -- Time passes slowly in Novosibirsk. In front of th |
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