如何克服英语学习的高分低能 |
日期:2009-04-05 08:53:34
我国的英语教育,似乎是为了对付考试的。不少人辛辛苦苦考大学,念研究生,学了十多年,过了四、六级两大关,实际应用能力却极差,有人形容为有口不能言,有耳不能听。井升华教授对此作了精辟的论述。 中学学了父亲 大学还学父亲 目前我国外语教学在很大程度上受教材制 |
[科普知识] 记得拨快一小时- 美国开始09年夏令时 |
日期:2009-03-08 20:14:34
Did you remember to set the clock ahead an hour? WASHINGTON (AP) -- Get ready for more outdoor fun. For most Americans, daylight saving time has returned, shifting an hour of light to the evenings. But there is a downside. Assuming you're not working |
Wen warns economic crisis spreading in China |
日期:2009-03-01 23:38:01
Premier Wen warns economic crisis still spreading in China; says recovering will be arduous BEIJING (AP) -- Premier Wen Jiabao warned that the impact of the global financial crisis was still spreading in China and the country faces the long and arduo |
美国最不受欢迎的总统 most unpopular departing presidents in history |
日期:2009-01-19 02:04:54
Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent (CBS) President Bush will leave office as one of the most unpopular departing presidents in history, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll showing Mr. Bush's final approval rating at 22 percent. Sev |
布什遇鞋袭击英文报道标题趣味解读 |
日期:2009-01-04 13:01:16
最近几天,如果翻翻世界各地的英文报纸,或浏览英文新闻网站,头版标题和报道中最热门的词汇莫过于duck一词了。你可千万不要以为是鸭子出了什么新鲜事了。 我们不妨先来读几个新闻标题 Bush legacy Lameduck! Not so lame duck as 'dog' Bush evades Iraqi journo's |
通货膨胀致北京生活费首超香港 |
日期:2008-12-10 08:13:21
据伦敦咨询公司ECA国际近期公布的调查显示,由于受到货币汇率波动和通货膨胀的影响,外籍人士在北京的生活支出首度超过香港,并且在全球生活支出排行中由去年的第101位上升至今年的第31位。在港币对美元汇率波动及通货膨胀扩大下,香港的货物与服务花费在过去两个月中, |
1000名富翁依靠的13条致富秘诀 |
日期:2008-12-01 08:43:41
For over a week Ive been listening to The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley while commuting in my car. He interviewed 1000 millionaires since 1980 and taken very meticulous surveys of their responses. Not only have I gained dozens of GEMS about |
比尔·盖茨送给年轻一代的11条生活准则 |
日期:2008-11-27 08:01:28
In Bill Gates' Book for high school and college graduates, there is a list of 11 things they did not learn in school. In his book, Bill Gates talks about how feel good, politically-correct teachings created a full generation of kids with no concept |
房价还会跌多少? 5位经济学家的答案 |
日期:2008-11-18 12:10:03
UK house prices are now nearly 15 per cent lower than 12 months ago, according to the Nationwide, with the price of an average house dropping by 30,000 to 158,872. But when will the house price crash end and how far will prices fall? Should buyers g |
欧洲各央行大幅减息Europe Slashes Interest Rates |
日期:2008-11-10 08:19:55
By Michael Bowman Washington 06 November 2008 European central banks have again cut interest rates to lessen the blow of what many experts say will be a deep economic recession. VOA's Michael Bowman reports from Washington, where U.S. economic stati |
非英语国家移民在澳大利亚就业艰难 |
日期:2008-11-03 07:55:46
澳大利亚统计局(ABS)日前发表的数据显示﹐英语非母语人士在澳洲的就业道路艰辛﹐即使找到工作﹐也通常与自己过去的工作经历迥然不同。 据了解﹐在澳大利亚逾15岁的1570万人口中﹐430万人出生于国外﹐有130万人是移民身份﹐其中近70%来自英语非母语的国家。移民的失业率 |
热了外语冷了汉语--中国人的悲哀? |
日期:2008-10-25 08:47:19
国人学习英语越来越热,相比之下汉语言学习却被冷落了,从少儿到大学生,许多学生以及他们的家长,重视英语的程度远远超过了汉语,而外国人学习汉语的热情却在日渐高涨。重英语轻汉语成了一种令人担忧的趋势? 主持/刘筠 清晨校园中,草坪上、教室里、湖边,莘莘学子重 |
黄光裕以430亿第三次问鼎“中国首富” |
日期:2008-10-08 10:53:48
《2008胡润百富榜》将于2008年10月7日在上海发布。国美集团、鹏润投资董事长、39岁的黄光裕以财富430亿元,第三次当上中国首富(他曾蝉联2004-2005年首富)。日照钢铁董事长、43岁的杜双华以财富350亿元,排名第二。碧桂园大股东、27岁的杨惠妍以财富330亿元,排名第三。 |
假日讨论 Holiday suggestion sparks heated online debate |
日期:2008-09-12 02:36:05
A suggestion that the weeklong National Day holiday be scrapped has sparked heated debate. Cai Jiming, a professor with Tsinghua University, told the Guangzhou-based Yangcheng Evening News on Monday that when conditions get better the holiday should |
[科普知识] 英国将放弃英亩作为土地单位 NOW THE EU IS TO BAN THE ACRE |
日期:2008-07-21 22:53:18
Monday July 21,2008 By Gabriel Milland Political Correspondent THE acre is set to be banned after the EU announced that Labour has agreed to the abolition of yet another part of the British way of life. The traditional unit of land size will go the w |
Property prices slow down a bit |
日期:2008-07-17 17:43:20
Property price growth in China's major cities slowed down 1 percentage point in June from the previous month, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said Wednesday. In a statement published on its website, the NDRC said property price |
China internet users offer huge potential for e-commerce |
日期:2008-07-11 03:18:56
Chinese internet users spend about 570 million hours online per day, making the country a huge potential market for e-commerce, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) said in a report released in Beijing on Wednesday. BCG calculated the number by assumin |
Read your ticket, Olympic spectators told |
日期:2008-06-25 16:15:09
By Xie Chuanjiao China Daily Staff Writer Updated: 2008-06-25 07:11 People planning to attend Olympic events should make themselves aware of what they can and cannot take inside venues, and should arrive well ahead of official start times, a BOCOG o |
外媒关于火车相撞的报道 Dozens dead in China train crash |
日期:2008-04-29 10:01:27
Dozens dead in China train crash By Emma Henry and agencies Last Updated: 9:32am BST 28/04/2008 At least 66 people have been killed and hundreds injured after two passenger trains derailed and tumbled into a ditch after colliding in eastern China. A |
China, Chile sign free trade service trade pact |
日期:2008-04-14 12:02:51
China and Chile on Sunday signed a service trade pact supplementary to their free trade agreement (FTA), the first of its kind with a Latin American country. According to the pact, the two nations will further open their service sectors to each othe |
Entrepreneur confidence index remained stable in Q1 |
日期:2008-04-09 10:14:50
China's entrepreneur confidence index remained stable amid prospects of a global economic slowdown, statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on Tuesday. The index, which measured the understanding, views and projections of entr |
[实时新闻] 宠物不能进入奥运场馆 Guns, pets on Olympic 'no-go' list |
日期:2008-03-21 11:05:37
Guns, drugs, explosives, and poisonous and radioactive materials will be banned from Beijing's Olympic venues, a security official said Thursday. Animals, drinks, radio equipment, and banners and oversized flags will also be prohibited, but guide do |
退出娱乐圈:Edison Chen to quit after nude photo scandal |
日期:2008-02-25 11:33:48
Hong Kong entertainer Edison Chen said on Thursday he was quitting show business indefinitely after admitting here that he had taken the photos embarrassing several well-known starlets that had been leaked to the Internet. The 27-year-old Canadian-b |
偷拍与隐私 Web intimacy video spurs concern about privacy |
日期:2008-01-21 08:06:34
Concern about privacy and monitoring device management is drawing great public debate after a video of a couple kissing at a Shanghai subway station entrance was posted on a website and became an instant hit. The three-minute video received more tha |
防止物价上涨China vows to stabilize prices, prevent price hikes |
日期:2008-01-11 03:40:53
The Chinese government decided on Wednesday to take further measures to stabilize market prices and increase the severity of punishments for those guilty of driving up prices through hoarding or cheating. During a State Council executive meeting pre |
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