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主持会议时,一定要把握好会议的进程,把每个讨论、发言环节的时间控制好,以免会议超时;同时要对各种出现的情况想好应对策略,防止出现冷场的局面;要善于引导大家发言,调节会场气氛。 (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)


A: Well, everyone, I had a meeting with the V.P. yesterday, and he wants to start this project as soon as possible. Now that the strategy has been decided, I want to know where we stand. Let's start with you, Jane./ 好了,各位,昨天我已和副主席见过面,他希望尽快开始这个项目,现在决策已经定了,我想知道我们进展到哪了。就从你开始吧,简。

B: Our final analysis of the research material indicates we were right on track with our preliminary estimates. I have the report right here./ 我们最后的调查分析材料显示,我们的初步预测是正确的。我这儿有份报告。

A: All right. How about you, Mario?/ 好的。你呢,马里奥?

C: I've contacted suppliers about the equipment we'll have to purchase. There'll be no problem with getting it delivered as soon as we're ready to start. Here's the itemized price list./ 我已经联系了我们需购买设备的供应商,只要我们准备就绪,发货毫无问题,这儿是详细的商品价格单。

A: That's good. I was a little worried about the industry shortage for some of that equipment. OK, it looks like everything's set. Who will manage the project, Peter?/ 很好,之前我还有点担心设备供应不足呢。好的,看来似乎一切都稳妥了。那么谁来管理这个项目呢,彼得?

D: Lucy. She's been notified, and she's already delegated responsibility for the major tasks./ 露西。已经通知她了,她已被委派承担那项主要工作。

A: Great! I'll talk to Marketing and have them prepare for selling our product. Peter, talk to QC and get them involved. That's it, then. Let's do it!/ 很好,我会通知销售部让他们准备好销售我们的产品。彼得,告诉质检部让他们开始参与进来。会就开到这儿,开始干吧。



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