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俚语.口语 (中)

7.  to get (in) on the ground floor:
意思是参加某种事业的开始阶段而处於有利地位(to start a business or a project of get benefits from it.)。 这句话,也许来自企业界。任何一种事业,最好自己首先参加,努力耕耘,才能与事业一起成功。(ground floor 本是指一座大建筑物的入口处。进入後,可向前直往,广阔无边。)例如:

Many young entrepreneurs who got on the ground floor of high technology may have made a lot of money.(许多高科技事业的创业青年企业家可能已经赚了很多钱。)
If you want to be successful in your career, you may try to get on the ground floor.(如果你要事业成功,你也许就要参加事业的开创以处於有利地位。)

8. to give (one's) eyeteeth for (someone or something):
意思是指一个人很想得到某样东西 (to want something very badly) Eyeteeth 是指牙齿上下两边的上尖牙 (单数是 eyetooth)(据说其神经系统是靠近眼睛而得名)。这两个牙,系有 biting 和 chewing 的功用,所以很重要。假如有人想要得到某件东西,而愿意牺牲自己的 eyeteeth,可见是十分迫切的。例如:

In order to win his girl friend's heart, he has given his eyeteeth for her.(为了赢得女友的心,他已付出一切。)
To obtain a computer from his father, the boy gave his eyeteeth for it.(这男孩非常急迫地要他老爸给他一部电脑。)

9. to gum up the works:
意思是干扰一件事或反而破坏某人的计画 (to ruin one's plan or to interfere) 。这句俚语的由来,是因为从前许多机器,都要常常加油,才能运作自如。但是如果油太浓或黏性太高(too gummy),反而会使机器故障或停顿。所以才有「弄糟」或「搞乱」的意味。例如:

When he attempts to accomplish a project, he always gums up the works.(当他想要完成一个计画时,他常常反而搞砸了。)
Please don't gum up the works while I am working on my new plan.(当我从事新的计画时,请别破坏它。)

Don't put too much oil in the machine; it may gum up the works.(不要在机器里加太多油;也许会故障。) (来源:EnglishCN.com)
(gum 本是橡胶或胶质。其动词时态是:gum, gummed, gummed)

10. to be (或 to get) in hot water:
意思是陷入困境或处於困难境况(to be in trouble or embarrassing situation.)这句话的由来,据说是因为从前女人如果遇到有人闯入家里 (intruder),就用热水把他赶出。一旦被热水烫到,当然就会有麻烦。例如:

After his remarks, he got in hot water.(他评论以後出了麻烦。)
Watch your p's and q's, so you will not be in hot water.(做事要谨慎小心,才不会遭遇困难。)

11. to get down to (the) brass tacks:
意思是基本事实或讨论事情的真相或实质问题(to talk about core of the issue or basics)。 这句话的由来,有人说是因为装置室内用品,如沙发、地毯等,最基本的组合工具是用黄铜的大头钉。(brass tack) 例如:

It is good idea to get down to (the) brass tacks when we talk about an issue.(当谈论一个问题时,最好踏实些。)
When it comes to educational reform, Let's get down to brass tacks.(提到教育改革时,应该谈些基本的事实。)

12. to be green with envy:
意思是羡慕或嫉妒 (to be envious or jealous)。 西方人往往以颜色描写事物。有时红色代表生气,蓝色代表难过或孤单。莎士比亚在他的作品「Antony and Cleopatra」里,也把嫉妒(jealousy) 形容为「the green sickness」; 例如:

Miss Lee was green with envy about her friend's promotion. (李小姐对她朋友的升级感到羡慕)
Being a bachelor for a long time, he is green with envy about his married friends.(当了很久的单身汉,他对已婚的朋友觉得羡慕与嫉妒。)

12. to go fly a kite:
意思是不要别人打扰或要人家走开 (don't bother me;go away or leave me alone) 。老外与人争吵时,或受到别人的干扰,往往带著生气的语气说:「去放风筝吧!」「去跳湖吧!」表示不耐其烦。当然这是不礼貌,少用为妙。 (这与「go jump in the lake」意同) ; 例如:

Why don't you go fly a kite! (你怎么不滚开!)
He bothered me all the time, so I told him to go jump in the lake. (他一直在打扰我,所以我叫他走开。)
(注:「go fly」…「go jump」…两个动词在一起,本来不对,中间应加 to,但这是俚语,是不必合文法的。)


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