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1. Avoid grad school in the liberal arts. 不要进文科类的研究生院。 (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)


让大学生一辈子受益的十件事One in five English Phd's find stable university jobs, and the degree won't help outside the university.



2. Skip the law-school track. 别上法学院。

让大学生一辈子受益的十件事Lawyers are the most depressed of all professionals. Lawyers are always acting on behalf of someone else. Suicide is among the leading causes of premature death among lawyers.



3. Play a sport. 参加体育运动。

让大学生一辈子受益的十件事People who play sports earn more money than couch potatoes, and women executives who played sports attribute much of their career success to their athletic experience. You don't need to be great at sports, you just need to be part of a team.



4. Take an acting course. 上表演课。

让大学生一辈子受益的十件事Amos teaches executives to communicate authentically so that people will listen and feel connected. You need to learn to do this, too, and you may as well start in college.


5. Separate your expectations from those of your parents. 不要按着父母的期待生活。

让大学生一辈子受益的十件事Otherwise you wake up and realize you're not living your own life.



6. Define success for yourself. 以自己为中心定义成功。

让大学生一辈子受益的十件事Society defines success very narrowly. Rather than defining success as financial gain or accolades, define it in terms of individual interests and personal happiness,"says Robbins.



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