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4) Make a public commitment to accomplishing your goal. (来源:英语论坛 http://bbs.englishcn.com)
There is a power in stating our goal to others. It is a public commitment that you will achieve what you have stated that you will. It takes it out of your head and puts it out into the world. This creates a sense of responsibility on our part because we do not wish to disappoint others. It should be in the form of a definitive statement. Instead of “I am trying to reduce my waist down two sizes,” try instead “I will lose two waist sizes in the next two weeks.” This sends the message of a definitive rather than a wish. There is little room for doubt in a definitive statement. 把你的目标告诉别人,这就带来一股力量。因为告诉别人就是一种公众承诺,表示你将实现你的话。这样就把目标从你的脑子放到现实世界里。这会让人们产生一种责任感,因为他们不愿意让别人失望。告诉别人你的目标要用确定性的语气。不要说“我要试试把腰围减两个尺码”,要说“我要在两周后把我的腰围减两个尺码”。这就表示一种决心,而不是仅仅一种愿望。表示了决心,就没有犹疑的余地了。
5) Seek out support.
People are social creatures that do better in groups than they do alone. People try to lose weight for years find greater success in a peer group trying to lose weight than they do alone. Find others with similar goals or try to join an already established support group. This can inspire and push you along when you begin to doubt ourselves. 人是社会动物。一起做某件事比一个人做要容易。那些想减肥的人和其他有同样目标的人一起比独自行动取得更好的效果。找到和你有类似目标的人,或者加入一个现成的组织。这可以在你自我怀疑的时候激励你、敦促你。
6) Think thoughts conducive to success.
There is only one constant in the universe and that is change. People are often resistant to change. Their resistance is often fueled by fear. This can be the fear of failure or maybe even fear of the unknown. You must face that fear and tell yourself everyday that change is good and change is what is needed to achieve what you want out of life. Self-talk in front of a mirror daily can help you achieve this. Remember to keep your talk positive. Instead of saying, “I will try not to be afraid of that new Pilates class because it looks hard.” Say instead “I will enjoy the Pilates class and get the rock hard abs I have always wanted.” This shift in thought can create wonders in your life. 宇宙中唯一不变的就是变化。人们常会对变化抵制。这样的抵制往往来源于恐惧:对失败的恐惧甚至是对未知的恐惧。你必须面对恐惧,并每天提醒自己变化是好的,变化是你要实现目标所必需的。每天对着镜子自言自语能帮助你克服恐惧。记住要对自己讲积极的话。不要说 “我会试着不去害怕普拉提课因为它看起来太难了”,而要说“我要去享受普拉提来获得我孜孜以求的坚硬腹肌”。思想上的转变能给生活带来奇迹。
7) Keep a success journal.
Earlier I mentioned keeping a calendar to mark your successes. A step beyond this is a success journal. In it, you can write down your achievements and successes. You can include pictures or whatever else is inspiring to you. This success journal is not only a testament that you achieved what you told others you would, but it also provides an instrument in which you can look back to when you are achieving new goals to help inspire you. It is a message to yourself that you can achieve anything you set you mind to and the journal is proof of it. 前面提到了用日历来记录成功。进一步的做法是做一本“功劳簿”。 在里面,你可以写下取得的各种成就。你可以附上照片,或者任何能激励你的东西。它不仅是个人成就的证明,而且当你想要实现其它目标时能给你激励。这本功劳簿会给你一个信息,即你只要用心什么都可能实现。功劳簿就是证明。
8) Keep before you, at all times, the benefits of attaining your goal
Sometimes we can be so caught up in the process of achieving a goal that we can forget what the goal is. When you set out on a trip, you may have a map. On that map are two important items, where you started, and where you are going. Create your own map of your goal. Keep it where you can see it daily so that you do not forget where you are going or forget how far you have come. 有时我们会太过于专注实现目标的过程,而忘记了目标是什么。如果你出行,你也许会有张地图。在地图上有两样重要的东西:出发点和目的地。为自己的目标制作一张地图,放在一个每天都能看到的地方,这样你就不会忘记你要去往何处,或者,走过了多少路。 |