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that are blocked in China will still return error messages or time out when they are clicked. (In contrast, Google's Chinese search engine, Google.cn, will filter out links to sites that don't comply with Chinese laws and regulations.) 不过,Google.com可以从中国访问,并不是说用户就可以进入搜索结果中列出的敏感内容。点击通往被屏蔽网站的链接,仍然会返回错误信息或出现访问中断。(谷歌中文搜索引擎Google.cn则是过滤掉通往不符合中国法律法规的网站的链接。)
And of course, given the unpredictability of China's Web restrictions, there's no guarantee that Google.com will continue to be available to users inside China, at least not without 'scaling the wall.' 当然,考虑到中国网络管制的不可预测性,中国用户能否继续访问Google.com还很难说,至少在不“翻墙”的情况下是无法保证的。
3. Google has Gmail servers in China 3. 谷歌在中国设有Gmail服务器
Some reports have said that the reason Chinese hackers were able to access Gmail accounts is that Google has email servers physically located in China. This is not the case. Google says it has no email servers in the country. 一些报道说,中国黑客得以攻入Gmail账户是因为谷歌在中国放有实体电子邮件服务器。事实并非如此。谷歌称,它在中国没有任何电子邮件服务器。
Indeed, Google has said keeping its servers out of China was a deliberate move to help protect user information. When the company announced its plans to launch google.cn in January 2006, executives said one of the safeguards it planned to use to protect user interests was that it wouldn't host user-generated content like email and blogs on servers in China. (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com) 事实上谷歌曾表示,不把服务器放在中国是有意而为,目的是为了保护用户信息。2006年1月宣布推出Google.cn的计划时,谷歌的高管就曾表示,为了保护用户利益而准备采取的防护措施之一就是不在中国境内的服务器上存放电子邮件和博客等用户产生的内容。
Google had reason to be careful. In 2005, there was widespread outcry among rights activists and the U.S. government after Yahoo turned over user information to the Chinese government, which was used as evidence to sentence journalist Shi Tao to 10 years in prison. Yahoo said that, because its Chinese mail servers were inside China, the company felt compelled to comply with the authorities' request. 谷歌小心行事并非无因。2005年,雅虎(Yahoo)因把用户信息提交给中国政府、为记者师涛被判10年徒刑提供了证据,受到人权活动人士和美国政府的普遍抗议。雅虎说,由于中文邮件服务器放在了中国境内,它觉得不得不服从当局的要求。
4. Google.cn search results are already uncensored 4. Google.cn已经不再审查搜索结果
After Tuesday's announcement, Web users ran amok on Google.cn, looking up sensitive terms such as '* 1989,' 'tank man,' and even 'sensitive words.' But many have been disappointed with the results, as searches for these terms still turned up the familiar disclaimer that 'in accordance with local laws and regulations, a portion of the search results are not displayed.' 上周二谷歌宣布可能退出中国后,网民大量涌向Google.cn,搜索“*1989”、“坦克人”甚至是“敏感词”等敏感词条。但很多人失望了,因为搜索这些词条仍然会出现人们熟悉的免责声明:“据当地法律法规和政策,部分搜索结果未予显示。”
Google says that it hasn't yet started to remove content filters on Google.cn, a process that could take weeks. 谷歌表示,它还没有开始撤销Google.cn上的内容过滤器,这个过程可能需要数周时间。
How to explain the images of tank man and links to sites about the Dalai Lama found via Google.cn? Many of the searches yielding fruitful results appear to have been conducted |
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