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发现三颗适合人类居住的星球 |
日期:2013-04-24 01:15:29
NASAs Kepler space telescope has discovered three planets that may be able to support life, while one of them is the most earth-like world spotted to date, scientists say. 美国国家航空航天局公开表示,开普勒天文望远镜已经发现三颗适合人类居住的星球。 |
十八大报告要点陈述(双语) |
日期:2012-11-15 13:28:03
中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会11月8日上午在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。胡锦涛向大会作题为《坚定不移沿着中国特色社会主义道路前进 为全面建成小康社会而奋斗》的报告。 BEIJING, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese leader Hu Jintao delivered a report on Thursday at the |
Xi leads top leadership to meet press |
日期:2012-11-15 13:06:15
BEIJING, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), led the other newly-elected members of the Standing Committee of the 18th CPC Central Committee Political Bureau to meet the p |
中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会今日召开 |
日期:2012-11-08 14:24:34
The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened Thursday at the decisive stage of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Jiang Zemin, Wu Bangguo, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun, Xi |
用英语谈论“神九”发射成功 |
日期:2012-06-18 08:21:45
China last Saturday sent three astronauts, including its first female astronaut Liu Yang, into space for the nation's manned space docking mission. Shenzhou-9 spacecraft, atop an upgraded Long March-2F carrier rocket, blast off from the Jiuquan Sate |
iPad3(The new iPad)发布会英文视频 |
日期:2012-03-08 03:34:17
基本参数 上市时间 2012年3月(美国),中国预计5月 操作系统 iOS 5.1 CPU Apple A5X (双核) 存储容量 16GB/32GB/64GB 存储介质 闪存 外型 身高:241.2毫米;宽度:185.7毫米;深度:9.4毫米;重量:652克(Wi-Fi)/662克(Wi-Fi + 4G) 环境要求 工作温度:32 - 95F |
外媒关于惠特尼·休斯顿(Whitney Houston)离世的相关报道 |
日期:2012-02-12 17:09:54
北京时间2月12日,美国乐坛传出惊人噩耗,黑人歌唱天后惠特尼休斯顿(Whitney Houston)于当地时间本周六,被发现猝死于洛杉矶比佛利山庄的希尔顿酒店,年仅48岁,不过,惠特尼休斯顿的死因,美国相关部门目前尚在调查之中。 以下是外媒对此事件的相关报道: 华盛顿邮 |
神州八号发射成功 |
日期:2011-11-23 10:00:16
China successfully launches unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou-8 China has successfully launched its unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou-8 for the countrys first space docking. It marks a major step towards the nations ultimate goal of building a permanent space |
泰国最好客 法国最不热情 |
日期:2011-11-17 12:29:55
Britons think France is the least hospitable country in which to go on holiday, according to a new online survey of 1,412 Britons. 一项共有1412名英国人参与的在线调查显示,在英国人看来,法国是最不好客的度假目的地。 An image of France. Britons think F |
奥巴马宣布本拉登死亡 |
日期:2011-05-13 13:41:31
Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist whos responsible for the murder of thousands of innoce |
威廉凯特大婚全球20亿人观看 |
日期:2011-05-01 11:34:28
After eight long and sometimes lonely years of waiting, Kate Middleton will today marry Prince William。 At 11am, the middle-class graduate who, so legend has it, used to lie in her dormitory bed gazing at a picture of her husband-to-be will enter W |
日本地震使地球自转加快1.8微秒 |
日期:2011-03-15 12:10:38
The massive earthquake that struck northeast Japan Friday (March 11) has shortened the length of Earth's day by a fraction and shifted how the planet's mass is distributed. 上周五(3月11日)袭击日本东北部的巨大地震使地球每日时长略有缩短,还改变了全 |
日本东部海域发生8.8级强烈地震 |
日期:2011-03-12 03:41:59
A devastating tsunami, triggered by Japan's biggest earthquake on record, appears set to kill at least 1,000 people along the country's northeast coast. In the wake of Friday's magnitude 8.9 tremor, a 10-meter-high tidal wave swept across large sect |
胡锦涛在白宫欢迎仪式上的致辞。 |
日期:2011-01-23 10:43:00
1月19日,美国总统奥巴马在华盛顿白宫举行隆重仪式,欢迎中国国家主席胡锦涛对美国进行国事访问。以下是胡锦涛主席在欢迎仪式上的致辞: http://www.24en.com爱思英语网 Remarks 总统先生,奥巴马夫人,女士们,先生们,朋友们: 很高兴应奥巴马总统邀请,在一元复始的 |
奥巴马在欢迎胡主席访美仪式上致辞 |
日期:2011-01-23 10:16:26
1月19日,美国总统奥巴马在华盛顿白宫举行隆重仪式,欢迎中国国家主席胡锦涛对美国进行国事访问。以下是奥巴马总统在欢迎仪式上的致辞: Remarks by President Obama at Official Arrival Ceremony PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good morning, everyone. President Hu, members of |
2011年胡锦涛新年贺词 |
日期:2011-01-06 08:11:08
女士们,先生们,同志们、朋友们, Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends, 新年钟声即将敲响,人类就要进入2011年。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,向全国各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政 |
西班牙女子登记太阳为私产! |
日期:2010-12-01 01:44:15
来自西班牙加利西亚省某潮湿地区的一位女子于上周五宣称,她已经向当地一位公证人注册,将太阳登记为个人财产。现年49岁的安吉拉斯杜兰在接受《世界报》日报网络版采访时称,在看到一则新闻称一位美国人将月球和太阳系大多数行星登记在名下后,她自今年九月开始了成为 |
Asian Games fire up in Guangzhou |
日期:2010-11-13 14:32:21
Unlike the display of raw power seen during the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, the southern city of Guangzhou displayed that region's distinctive character with beautiful and delicate performances that incorporated water and flowers |
President Hu meets French Prime Minister |
日期:2010-11-08 00:56:11
President Hu Jintao is continuing his 3-day state visit to France. On Friday, he met with French Prime Minister Francois Fillon and French former President Jacques Chirac, to discuss the two countries partnership. Meeting with French Prime Minister |
意总理遇袭 鼻子骨折牙齿掉落 |
日期:2009-12-15 11:51:49
Blood covers part of the face of Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi after he was attacked in downtown Milan December 13, 2009. Berlusconi was taken to hospital with blood smeared over his face after a man hurled a small model of Milan cathedra |
互联网40岁啦! |
日期:2009-11-01 01:08:22
Nigeria: Foreigners kidnapped Heavily armed gunmen in speedboats kidnapped seven workers, including three foreigners, from an offshore Nigerian oilfield on Saturday. The raid was the first big attack on an oil facility in five months since the inaug |
祖国60周年国庆庆祝大会全回顾 |
日期:2009-10-02 02:57:30
10月1日,首都各界庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年大会在北京*广场隆重举行。这是国庆60周年阅兵总指挥、北京军区司令员房峰辉请中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛开始检阅受阅部队。 在祖国60岁生日的夜晚,*广场华灯初上,歌声回荡。首都各界群众身着鲜艳 |
解放军战士为国庆阅兵刻苦训练 |
日期:2009-09-29 00:26:02
解放军战士为国庆阅兵刻苦训练 A military parade will be the most important part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Soldiers from the People's Liberation Army are training hard for the October |
国庆阅兵方队:用完美震惊世界 |
日期:2009-09-29 00:19:19
Beijing`s Military Parade Village - the temporary home of the military troops who will perform in the upcoming National Day parade - opened its gates to foreign media for the first time on September 10. More than 30 media organizations from 17 count |
台湾因台风罹难人数估逾500人 |
日期:2009-08-28 04:01:13
台湾当局最新估计,在 莫拉克 台风中遭受灭顶之灾的高雄县甲仙乡小林村罹难人数约 380 人,加上此前已统计有超过 120 人死亡,台湾在此次风灾中的遇难人数估计已超过 500 人。 Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou estimated on Friday that more than 500 people had died in |
美国失业很严重 对奥巴马很失望 |
日期:2009-08-04 00:01:02
TOLEDO, Ohio (Reuters) - Hope and jobs are in short supply in Ohio eight months after President Barack Obama won the recession-battered state in the 2008 election with promises of a better future。 路透俄亥俄州托莱多7月30日电(记者 Nick Carey)---自奥 |
Deng Xiaoping’s widow dies at 93 |
日期:2009-07-30 23:19:21
ZHUO LIN, widow of Chinas former leader Deng Xiaoping, died in Beijing yesterday. She was 93. She died of illness at noon after medical treatment failed, said a statement issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Com |
巨星迈克尔·杰克去世:在天堂还是歌王 |
日期:2009-06-28 23:13:51
流行天王、美国著名流行歌星迈克尔杰克逊于美国当地时间6月25日因心脏病发作在洛杉矶分校医疗中心(Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center)一家医院去世。全球歌迷无不对天王的离世扼腕叹息。美国《洛杉矶时报》网站援引当地警方的消息称,杰克逊当天下午因心脏病发作深度 |
英国政府出现“辞职潮” |
日期:2009-06-07 23:43:16
UK Government Crisis Deepens 英国政府出现辞职潮 Gordon Brown looked increasingly beleaguered yesterday after a fourth UK government minister resigned in 24 hours. When Mr Brown took over as the prime minister from Tony Blair in June 2007, opinion po |
Hu meets KMT chairman, vows to avoid "internal struggle" |
日期:2009-05-29 23:54:56
Hu Jintao (R), general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, meets with Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung in Beijing, capital of China, on May 26, 2009.(Xinhua/Rao Aimin) Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Communi |
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