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格罗斯说:“地轴位置的偏移将导致地球在旋转过程中的摇摆有些不同,但不会导致地球轴心在空间中发生位移。只有外部作用力,例如太阳、月球和行星产生的引力才能使地球轴心发生位移。” (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
The March 11 quake was the largest ever recorded in Japan and is the world's fifth largest earthquake to strike since 1900, according to the USGS. It struck offshore about 231 miles (373 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo and 80 miles (130 km) east of the city of Sendai, and created a massive tsunami that has devastated Japan's northeastern coastal areas. At least 20 aftershocks registering a 6.0 magnitude or higher have followed the main temblor. 根据美国地质调查局,3月11日大地震是日本有史以来最大的地震,也是1900年以来全球五大地震之一。地震发生在距东京东北部231英里(373千米)、仙台市以东80英里(130千米)的近海处,引发的巨大海啸摧毁了日本东北部的沿海地区。在主震过后,至少又发生了20次6级以上的余震。 |
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