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(来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
ad. 颠倒地;乱七八糟地 The whole world's going topsy-turvy. 整个世界正变得颠三倒四。
a. 颠倒的;乱七八糟的 He left his room all topsy-turvy. 他把他的房间弄得乱七八糟。
n. 颠倒;乱七八糟
vt. 使颠倒;使混乱
Don't turn the box topsy-turvy, the dish might fall out. 不要把箱子倒过来,盘子会掉出来。
If you turn the envelope topsy-turvy, the key will fall out. 如果你把信封倒过来,钥匙就会掉出来。
The children turned the whole house topsy-turvy when their mother went out. 当母亲不在家时,孩子们把屋里都翻遍了。