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  marketing是经贸英语中最常用的词语之一。在外贸人员的名片上我们也经常看到marketing department和 marketing plan等词语。,它们通常被译成销售部和销售计划。在外贸函电和外贸英语教科书中,marketing常被译为"销售"。笔者认为这种译法不够确切。这除了有语言方面的原因外,还涉及到中外经营管理体制的不同。

  我们不妨先从market作动词的含义谈起。当market作及物动词时,意思是to carry on all activities by which transfer of title or possession of a product from seller to buyer is effected; 或者是to introduce a product on the market(n.市场)。这种含义的market及其派生marketing的意思与sell和sale相近,可汉译为"销售",如:

  The exporter wishes to market his goods in a foreign country through instrumentality of an independent agent. 那个出口商想要靠一独立代理人在国外销售其货物。

  The joint venture insisted on their cooperative marketing the new computers. 这家合资企业坚持它们合作销售新计算机。

  当market作不及物动词时,它与trade含义相同,表示在市场上进行买卖活动,它派生的marketing只能汉译为"(市场上的)交易,买卖",而不是单一的"销售"。例如:do our evening marketing(到夜市上去买(卖)东西);an international marketing company(一家国际贸易公司)。

  Marketing 作为经贸术语,《Americana 百科全书》的解释是:"Marketing is defined as " the performance of business activities directed towards, and incident to, the flow of goods and services from producer to customer or user". Marketing, therefore, is made up on one hand of physical activities such as transporting, storing, and selling goods, and on the other hand of a series of decisions which must be reached by any organization undertaking any part of the process of moving goods from the producer to the user."

(来源:英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

        把marketing department译为"市场开拓部"、"推销部"更为确切些。而我国外贸公司设立的单纯销售部门的英译一般用sales department。在我国的产、供、销合一的企业管理体制下,"销"是对应"产"而言,和marketing所指的"推销"或"销售"概念也有一定的区别,有关这种部门也可译成sales department。 当然,如果外贸公司或企业设立的是类似于上述的集多种职能于一体的机构,则也可译成marketing department.

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