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从那时起人们都在这天祭奠祖先和纪念先烈,寒食节渐渐演变成了清明节。人们在这一天会去扫墓,怀念家里去世的亲人。所以英语里这一天也叫做“Tomb-sweeping Day”。 (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

Chinese usually sweep tombs and fly kites on this day. Because Jie died at the foot of a willow, Chinese also cut sticks of willow and hang them over their gates.

清明的时候人们也纷纷出来放风筝。We usually fly kites in the daytime, but on that day,in some places, people fly kites at night. How can they see their kites at night? They tie some little lights to the kites.



It is said that in this way people will also be protected from bad luck and disease.. F

清明节是中国的传统节日。However, there are similar festivals in many other countries.

墨西哥人每年会过“亡灵节”。The Day of the Dead is on November 2. 传说死去亲人的亡灵在这一天会回家探亲。Candles are lit to help them find the way home. A lot of food and drink are prepared for them at home. 亲戚们会聚在一起怀念逝去的亲人。

朝鲜和韩国也有清明节。The Koreans don't cook on this day. They only eat cold food. They also plant trees on this day.

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·Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)

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