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(来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

What do we have on Tomb-sweeping Day except “burning”?


Tomb-sweeping Day seems to be a season of memory. The constant drizzle reminds people of the affinity of forefathers and respect to ancestors.

Tomb-sweeping Day is just the time of bright spring with flourishing green plants and the best time for people to have a spring-out, therefore, it has been long the custom to walk in the field on the Tomb-sweeping Day. It was originated from approximately Zhou dynasty with a history of more than 2500 years. Since it is almost the same as “Cold-food Day” on which people prohibited fire and swept the tombs. Gradually, the two days derived into one festival and “Cold-food” became the epithet of “Tomb-sweeping Day” and one of the customs as well. Therefore, people will not light fire and eat cold food on “Tomb-sweeping Day”.

There is no restriction for people to express the grief. What the ancestors wish is that we can enrich our life.  Why do we burn so much and cause so heavy smoke? Then, how are you going to spend your Tomb-sweeping Day and how would you express your missing to your ancestors?

It's always raining during the Tomb-Sweeping Day, it's cold these days. People take much count of this festival whether it is a national day, bcs we are the group who remember our roots.


The basic comity in Tomb Sweeping Day is ancestors worship, everybody has its own way to grieve. Many people who is out will put down their work, slow their feet and back home. It's the virtue of our land to go home when old.
It is different between countryside and urban for worshipping the ancestors in the forms, there are many forms in the country, one set by one, while in the urban it's rather simple and environment-protection.


In fact, besides "burnning money N paper", we can do more, such as we can go for a trip during these sunshine days with our relatives N friends, or have a deep talk after gather again.

We should treat well to our relatives N friends who are still alive, N give them more care and love, besides remember our ancestors.



Qingming Festival  清明节

“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。”I bet most of you have learned this poem. 这首诗里讲的就是我们国家的一个传统节日——清明节.
Qingming Festival is also a festival to enjoy the beautiful spring. 清明节在古代又叫踏青节,

刚刚过完整蛊搞怪的愚人节,我们又迎来了肃穆的清明节。清明既是一个节气,也是一个节日。通常在每年的4月4号或者5号。它是由古代的寒食节发展而来的。This is a story about the Hanshi Festival. 它发生在2000多年前春秋时代的晋国。

Chong Er was one of the princes but his father didn't like him. Some bad people told his father that Chong Er was going to rebel. So he had to run away from the country.

In the mountains, they didn't get enough food. Chong Er almost starved to death.


Years later, Chong Er became the King of the Jin Kingdom. He wanted to thank Jie and asked him to be his minister, but Jie refused. 后来介子推在大火中不幸被烧死了。晋王重耳非常伤心,命令百姓在介子推去世那天不许生火做饭,只能吃冷食。这就是“寒食节”的由来。

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