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To much 我的热情过了火?

 You kept finishing all the food on your plate and you found your plate refilled and many more dishes following. "They were really hospitable, if anything too hospitable …"

Lisa 的误解归因于中西方文化的碰撞与冲突。做客的时候,让我们看看西方人对中国人还有可能在哪些方面产生误解。

"I must say I don't think I'll ever get used to the eating habits out here. You know, the way people put things on your plate..." 外国人不习惯中国人热情地往自己碗里夹菜。

"And isn't it odd how people here can eat their dessert and then return to their main courses? How can they bear it?" 西餐有其特定的饮食次序。如果和外国人一起吃西餐,我们最好遵循他们的用餐习惯。千万不要吃完甜食再吃主菜哦。

"Chinese never seem hungry when they come round to my place. Whenever I ask callers if they'd like a bite to eat they always say no." 大多数外国人都是实在人。当他们问你要不要吃点什么的时候,如果你谢绝了,他们会尊重你的决定,真的不给你东西吃哦。所以说,饿了就喊出来吧。

"I'm often taken aback by the way visitors come round to my flat and seem to feel free to take the place over, putting on the telly, pulling down books from my shelves, even peering at letters I've left lying around on the desk." 虽说宾至如归,但外国人还是忌讳你在做客的时候东逛西逛,甚至偷窥他们的隐私的。

 To little 如此待遇谁的错?

 Can you imagine how many dishes I had? Only one--a stew with meat and vegetables. I was very much disappointed at British hospitality.


The time was autumn of 1987, after I had settled down at Warwick University for my MA course. I was invited to give a talk to a professional women's organisation about my first impressions of Britain. After the talk, quite a few participants gave me their addresses and invited me to visit their families. They were really very friendly and helpful. The first visit left a lasting memory because it was my first time to have dinner in an English home. my hostess picked me up at the university and showed me around the city till sunset. I was very excited about the visit, but at the same time I was wondering who would cook the meal. Her husband? In China, if I am going to have some visitors to dinner, it usually takes me at least three hours to prepare the eight courses. As soon as we arrived at the house, the lady asked me to sit at the table and said everything was in the oven and ready to serve. She told me she had put food in the oven before she went to the university and after two hours of touring the city, dinner was ready. Can you imagine how many dishes I had? Only one- a stew with meat and vegetables. The meat was overdone and too hard to eat; green vegetables were no longer green. Compared with Chinese food, they were tasteless. I was very much disappointed at their hospitality. However, after I had stayed in Britain for a year and visited many different families, I became more used to the British way of showing hospitality. In Britain, hospitality is not measured by how many dishes are provided as in China. It is shown by giving you freedom to choose whatever you really want. They never press you. They never put food on your plate but just ask you to help yourself. If you, as a guest, are shy or modest, waiting for the food to be put on your plate, you will remain half-starved. Maybe that is why I lost nearly 20 pounds after a year in Britain!
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·Informal Language 美语中的非正式用语

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