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  Sales 销售

  Sales growth 销售增长

  Sales returns 销售退回

  Salvage value 残值

  Secured note 有担保票据

  Securities and Exchange Commission 证券及期货事务监察委员会

  Security 证券

  Service company 服务公司

  Service revenue 服务收益

  SG & A 销售,一般和行政花费

  short-term liability 短期负债

  Short-term investment 短期投资

  Sole proprietorship 独资经营

  Solvency 偿债能力

  Solvency ratios 偿债比率

  Specific identification 个体辨认

  Standard audit report 标准审计报告

  Stated interest rate 票面利率

  Statement of cash flows 现金流量表

  Statement of retained earning 留存收益表

  Statement of stockholder\'s equity 股东权益表

  Stock 股票

  Stock dividend 股利

  Stock market 股票市场

  Stock opinions 股票价格

  Stock split 股份拆细

  Stock split in the form of a dividend 股票股利的股票拆分

  Stockholders 股东

  Stockholders\' equity 股东权益

  Straight-line method 直线法

  Subsidiary 子公司

  Sum-of-the-years\'-digits method 年数总和法

  Supplies inventory 物料盘存


  T-account analysis T形账户分析法

  Takeover 收购

  Taking a bath 冲销

  Tax accounting 税务会计

  Tax deductible 税款抵扣

  Taxable income 应税收入

  Technical default 技术性违约

  Technical obsolescence 技术陈旧

  Term loan 定期贷款

  Times interest earned 利息保障倍数 (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  Trade-in 以旧换新

  Trademark or trade name 商号

  Trading securities 交易证券

  Transportation-in 在途运输

  Treasury notes 中期国库券

  Treasury stock 库存股票


  Uncollectibles 坏账

  Unearned revenue 未获收入

  Uniformity 统一

  Unqualified audit report 在编审计报告

  Unrealized gain or loss 未实现收入或损失

  Unsecured notes 无担保票据

  Useful life 使用年限

  Usual transactions 普通交易


  Valuation base 计价基础


  Warranty 认股权证

  Window dressing 粉饰

  Working capital 营运资金,周转资金
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·Alumna, Alumnus, Alumni 的区别以及单复数形式
·移动术语词汇表 Glossary of Mobile Terms

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