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aa                               ALWAYS AFLOAT                  保持漂浮,永远漂浮

ACCT                      ACCOUNT                                 帐目,帐户

ACPT                      ACCEPTANCE                           接受

ADCOM                ADDRESS COMMISSION        订舱佣金,租船佣金

ADD.COMM       ADDRESS COMMISSION          订舱佣金,租船佣金

ADFT                    AFT DRAFT                                艉吃水

ADV.                    ADVISE OR ADVANCE             通知或提前

A.F.                     ADVANCED FREIGHT               预付运费

A.F.B.                AIR FRIGHT BILL                        空运运单

AGRD                AGREED                                         同意

AGRT               AGREEMENT                                协议

AGW                 ALL GOING WELL                       (取决于)一切顺利

A.H.                  AFTER HATCH                             后舱


AMT               AMOUNT                                        金额,数额

A.N.               ARRIVAL NOTICE                            到达通知

A/R                ALL RISKS                                           一切险

ASAP             AS SOON AS POSSIBLE                  尽快,尽速

ASF                AS FOLLOWS                                    如下

ATTN            ATTENTION                                    ...收阅

A.V. AD        VALOREM ACCORDING TO VALUE 运价标记,根据商品的价值(计算运费),从价费率 a.a.r.               against all risks                                    一切险

AC                account current                                   一切险

A/C               for account of                                    费用由...负担

 acc.              acceptance;accepted                           已接受

acc.cop.        according to the custom of the port   按照...港口惯例

 a.c.v.           actual cash value                                 实际现金价值

 a.d. or  a/d              after date ...                            日期以后

Add-on .tariff(also proportional rate or arbitrary in US)    费率标记(在美国也指按比例或仲裁决定)

 ad val.(a/v) ad valorem (according to value)            从价费率(按离岸价格)

ADP           automated data processing                  自动数据处理

Agcy                agency                                            代理公司,代理行

Agt.                  agent                                              代理人

 a.g.w.t.            actual gross weight                        实际毛重,实际总重量

AMT               Air Mail Transfer                         航空邮寄

A.O.                account of                                      ...的帐上

A/P                  account paid                                  已付帐款

approx.            approximately                              大约

arr.                   arrival                                           到达,抵达

arrd.                Arrived                                         到达,抵达

a/s                  after sight                                     见票后...

A/S                alongside                                       靠码头,并靠他船

ass.                associate                                       准会员,公司

ATA             actual time arrival                         实际到达时间

ATD             actual time of departure                实际出发时间

ATP            Agreement for the International Carriage of Perish able Foodstuffs Atty attorney 律师(),代理人

auth.           authorized                                      授权的,认可的

aux.             auxiliary                                        辅助的,辅助设备

AWB          Air Waybill                                   空运单

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·GM food 转基因食品
·carrot-and-stick 恩威并施

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