用九国英语口音说奥运总结 |
日期:2012-08-19 01:08:08
【英国】 Hello, welcome to London Olympic Games, I am the spokesman for Britain what a brilliant event, bravo, bravo. Which is ever been held in human history, people around the world loves it, including the Queen, thank you, my Majesty. (这里纠正, |
伦敦奥运会上谁最爱哭? |
日期:2012-08-12 02:16:59
You've just won an Olympic gold medal, the culmination of a lifetime of training and sacrifice. You're standing on the podium, the flag is rising and the national anthem is blaring. How are you going to react? Are you going to stand stoically? Or ar |
奥运三宝:选手儿子 裁判妈妈 教练爸爸 |
日期:2012-08-07 03:05:22
A New Zealand kayaker made the semi-finals of the men's slalom at the Olympics despite being given a two-second penalty by his mother who is a judge at the games. 一位新西兰皮划艇选手在男子皮划艇激流回旋的比赛中遭到了为时两秒的处罚,而进行这次判罚的 |
关于奥运会的10个问题 |
日期:2012-08-07 02:58:19
2012年伦敦奥运会绚丽开幕,街头巷尾都少不了奥运两个字,我们也来凑个热闹,不过现代奥运自然精彩,古代奥运也很隽永啊,让我们一起通过文字穿越到古代奥运,看看当时的盛况又是如何打动人心。 Ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会 1.When was the first Olympic Games |
2010南非世界杯主题曲-wavin flag |
日期:2010-06-19 23:23:44
演唱者为 31岁的歌手克南(K'naan),他出生在索马里的一个艺术之家, 由于国内局势动荡,13岁随家人移居加拿大,但他仍然心系索马里,创作的很多歌曲都和索马里局势相关。 歌词: when i get older i will be stronger they'll call me freedom just like a wavin flag w |
北京奥运开幕式英文介绍 The Opening Ceremony |
日期:2008-08-18 18:17:24
An Unforgettable Show 一场令人难忘的表演 Beijing 2008 - Amazing fireworks The 2008 Beijing Olympics began officially on Friday 8th August 2008 at 8pm in front of a crowd of 90,000 eager spectators in the Bird's Nest stadium. Things got off to a bang |
Phelps joins elite club of nine-gold winners |
日期:2008-08-13 18:06:22
US swimming sensation Michael Phelps became the fourth man to win a record nine Olympic gold medals overall when he cruised to victory in the men's 200m freestyle final in Beijing on Tuesday. On a day which saw world records continue to fall in the |
China wins women's gymnastics team gold |
日期:2008-08-13 17:59:30
The Chinese women gymnasts won their first ever Olympic team gold in Wednesday's final of the Beijing Olympic Games, making a historic breakthrough expected by China for decades. With deafening hail and applause, Cheng Fei finished her routine in th |
其它类型的奥运会 The Other Olympic Games |
日期:2008-07-25 02:56:00
The Paralympic Games 残疾人奥运会 While many of the worlds most famous athletes are gearing up for the Beijing Olympics in August, there are other athletes training every bit as hard for a second Olympic games in September. The 14th Paralympic Games |
The Story of the Olympics 奥林匹克故事 |
日期:2008-07-03 16:48:03
在线收听节目 Ancient Beginnings 古老的起源 Combat sports in the ancient Greek Olympics could be fatal To trace the origins of the modern Olympic Games we must travel back nearly 3,000 years in time to Ancient Greece, when young men proved their phys |
奥运英语:常见体育运动词汇加图例 |
日期:2008-06-03 02:57:02
Common Sports Badminton Cricket Cycling Darts Football Golf Horse Racing Snooker Squash Table Tennis Tennis Contact Sports Boxing Judo Rugby Wrestling Water Sports Angling Canoeing Kayaking Rowing Sailing Water Skiing Winter Sports Curling Ice Skati |
奥运英语-奥运赛艇项目Rowing之单项名称 |
日期:2007-09-05 18:32:53
奥运会赛艇项目Rowing共包括14个单项: MensSingleSculls(1)男子单人双桨 MensPairs(2-)男子双人单桨无舵手 MensDoubleSculls(2)男子双人双桨无舵手 MensFours(4-)男子四人单桨无舵手 MensQuadrupleSculls(4)男子四人双桨无舵手 MensEights(8+)男子八人单桨有舵手 M |
奥运英语·棒球baseball |
日期:2007-08-31 06:43:55
今天要和大家一起分享的就是baseball棒球,在印象中,打baseball棒球总是要来回的跑,看来不但击球要准,体力消耗也不 |
奥运英语·赛艇rowing |
日期:2007-08-23 00:29:36
今天要和大家一起分享的就rowing赛艇,相信喜欢水上运动的朋友一定都喜欢rowing赛艇,因为它既能体现个人力量之美,又能体 现团结协作,这是因为rowing赛艇分了单人双桨和双人单桨无舵手、四人双奖、八人单桨有舵手等项目,比赛一定相当的精彩。 奥运小侦探: 问题:赛 |
奥运英语·网球tennis |
日期:2007-08-22 00:00:30
今天要和大家一起分享的就tennis网球,提起tennis网球,这项运动可是元老级人物,在1896年首届奥运会的时候它就已经是正式的比赛项目啦。既然tennis网球这么早就出道了,哪能不重视呢。 奥运小侦探: 问题:在首届奥运会的tennis网球比赛中,二十六岁的英国选手约翰勃 |
奥运英语词汇 |
日期:2008-05-12 02:46:19
☆ Swimming 游 泳 ☆ Competitive Swimming 竞 技 游 泳 ☆ FINA=Federation International Natation Amateur 国 际 业 余 游 泳 联 合 会 ☆ European Swimming League 欧 洲 游 泳 协 会 ☆ Chinese Swimming Association 中 国 游 泳 协 会 ☆ Swimming Coach 游 |
网球运动英语集锦 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
网球运动英语 tennis 网球运动 lawn tennis 草地网球运动 grass court 草地网球场 racket 球拍 racket press 球拍夹 gut, string (球拍的)弦 line ball 触线球 baseline ball 底线球 sideline ball 边线球 straight ball 直线球 down-the-line shot 边线直线球 crossc |
NBA篮球运动员的殿堂 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
NBA篮球运动员的宫殿 NBA Palace for Basketball Players The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the major professional basketball league in the world, with teams from the United States and Canada. With the addition of the Toronto Raptors and th |
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