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1. "Oh, who was that?" Mr. Black asked¡£“Ŷ£¬ÊÇË£¿”²¼À³¿ËÏÈÉúÎÊ¡£
2. "Oh, how blind you are!" he cried¡£“°¥Ñ½£¬ÄãÃÇÕæϹ£¡”Ëû´óÉùµÀ¡£
3. "Oh, oh!" he cried. "My stomach! My head! oh! oh!“°¥Ñ½£¬°¥Ó´£¡”Ëû´óÉùµÀ£¬“ÎҵĶÇ×Ó£¡ÎÒµÄÍ·£¡°¥Ó´£¡°¥Ó´£¡”
4.Oh, learned judge! Oh, wise young man. àÞ£¬²©Ñ§µÄ·¨¹Ù£¡àÞ£¬´ÏÃ÷µÄÄêÇáÈË£¡
¶þ¡¢Ah ±íʾ¾ªÆæ¡¢¸ßÐË¡¢ÌÖÑá¡¢°Ã»Ú¡¢ÃêÊÓ¡¢ÍþвµÈ£¬¿ÉÒëΪ“ѽ¡¢°¡”µÈ¡£
1. Ah, yes, Jeanne married a man with a lot of money. °¡£¬¶ÔÀ²£¬ÕäÄݼ޸øÁËÒ»¸öºÜÓÐÇ®µÄÈË¡£
2. "Ah, what splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor¡£“°¡£¡¶à»ªÀöµÄÒ·þ°¡£¡”»ÊµÛÏë¡£
3. Ah, how pitiful! ѽ£¬¶à¿Éϧ£¡
4. Ah, here is the thing I am after. °¥Ñ½£¬ÎÒÕҵĶ«Î÷ÔÚÕâ¶ùÄØ¡£
1.Oh, come, Mathilde. Surely you can tell an old friend. àË£¬Ëµ°É£¬ÂêµÙ¶ûµÂ£¬Äã¶ÔÀÏÅóÓÑ˵˵×ÜÊÇ¿ÉÒԵİɡ£
2.Come, we must hurry. 飬ÎÒÃǵøϽôÀ²£¡
3.Come, come, get him his change. Tod, get him his change. ºÃ°É£¬ºÃ°É£¬Íе£¬¿ì°ÑÇ®ÕÒ¸øËû£¬¿ì°ÑÇ®ÕÒ¸øËû¡£
4. Come, come! What were you really doing behind the bicycle sheds? ι£¡Î¹£¡Ä㻹ÔÚ³µÅïÀïÄ¥²äɶ£¿
1. Dear! What awful weather! °¥Ñ½£¡¶àÔãµÄÌìÆø£¡
2. Oh, dear, dear! Where can Harry be? ÌìÄÄ£¬ÌìÄÄ£¬ºàÀû»áÔÚÄĶù£¿
3. Dear, dear! Where have I put my keys? °¥Ñ½£¬ÎÒ°ÑÔ¿³×·ÅÔÚÄĶùÀ²£¿
4. "Dear me," he said to himself, "Am I foolish or unfit for my office?" "°¥Ñ½£¡"ËûÐÄÀïàÖ¹¾×Å£¬“ÎÒÊÇÓÞ´ÀÄØ»¹ÊDz»³ÆÖ°£¿”
1. Well, your father has found him in the garage. ºÃÀ²£¬Ä㸸Ç×ÔÚ³µ¿âÀïÕÒµ½ËûÁË¡£
2. Are you sure? Well, perhaps you, are right. ÄãÄܿ϶¨Âð£¿àÅ£¬Ò²ÐíÄã˵µÃ¶Ô¡£
3. Well, you must come to lunch tomorrow. ²»¹ý£¬ÄãÃ÷ÌìÒ»¶¨ÒªÀ´³ÔÎç·¹¡£
4. I handed the note to him and said, "Oh, very well, I apologize." ÎÒ°ÑÄÇÕÅƱ×ӵݸøÁËËû£¬ËµµÀ£º“°¡£¬ºÃ¼«ÁË£¬ÎÒÏòÄãµÀǸ¡£”
5. Well, why don't you make a notice like theirs? ÄÇô£¬ÄãΪʲô²»×ö¸öÏñËûÃÇÄÇÑùµÄ¹ã¸æÅÆÄØ£¿
Áù¡¢now ±íʾ¾¯¸æ¡¢ÃüÁî¡¢ÇëÇó¡¢ËµÃ÷¡¢°²Î¿³ï£¬¿ÉÒëΪ“ι¡¢ßö¡¢ºÃÁË”µÈ£¬ÓÐʱҲ¿É²»±ØÒë³ö¡£
1. Now, now, you two; Don't fight again. ι£¬Î¹£¬ÄãÃÇÁ©£¬±ðÔÙ´òÁË¡£ |