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(来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
Anniversary of earthquake in Wenchuan: regeneration after the disaster
“5.12”,中国伤痛之日。一年前的这一天,汶川大地震突如其来,天塌地陷,山河破碎,同胞罹难,举国同悲。 May, 12th is the most grievous day of China. On this day last year, Wenchuan was struck by the earthquake which devastated the earth and disintegrated the country. The whole nation was shrouded with grief because many compatriots perished in the disaster.
震后这一年,是艰难而非凡的一年。党中央、国务院领导英雄的13亿人民直面灾难,与死神争夺生命,在废墟上重建家园,中国勇气、中国力量、中国智慧震动也感动了世界。 It has been a tough and extraordinary year after the earthquake. The 1.3 billion heroic Chinese people, under the guidance of the Central Communist Party and the State Council, confronted the disaster boldly, fought against with the Azrael, and rebuilt their hometown on the ruins. The Chinese courage, Chinese power and Chinese wisdom have touched the whole world.
波澜壮阔的抗震救灾和灾后重建实践,让我们收获了许多极其宝贵的启示。以人为本的宗旨、社会主义制度的活力、尊重科学的理念、民族精神的升华,融入中华民族的血脉,不断推动我们的国家和社会走向进步,并成为全人类的共同财富。 We have gained lots of precious inspiration through the practice of fighting against earthquake and carrying out relief. Our country and the society have been promoted by the people-orientated principle, the vigor of the socialist system, the initiative of respecting science, and the sublimation of the national spirit, which also contributed a lot to the wealth for the whole world.
我国将今年的5月12日定为第一个“防灾减灾日”,以此提醒人们居安思危,常存忧患之心,增强防灾意识,清醒地面对自然灾害的风险、威胁和挑战。 The country has designated the “May, 12th” as the first day of “preventing and reducing disaster” so as to warn people to stay prepared against adversities in times of peace with the consciousness of misery in mind, enhance the awareness of preventing disaster and confront with risk, threat and challenge of the natural disaster.