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1.  What would you do if you won a million dollars? (P26)假如你赢了一百万美元,你将用它做什么?
动词win和beat 都可以表示“赢,胜”,其区别是:前者后接比赛、奖品、名声、胜利、游戏、战役等;后者接人、队。
I was very glad when the boys won the relay race.
You beat me in the race, but I’ll beat you at tennis.
win a battle打胜仗;win the war赢得战争;win a bet赌赢;win a match比赛获胜;win an election选举获胜。
2.  If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. (P27) 如果我是你,我就穿衬衫戴领带。
He wore a blue tie.他打着蓝色的领带。
He tied his dog to the fence. 他把狗拴在了栅栏上。
3.  If I were you, I’d be a little late. (P27) 如果我是你,我就晚点到。
a little可以作状语修饰动词、形容词、副词以及形容词和副词的比较级等,相当于a bit。
Try to help your mother a little. 设法帮你妈妈一点忙。
I feel a little better. 我感觉好一点了。
a little意为“一点,稍微”,既可作形容词,又可作名词。用作形容词时,表达肯定含义,后面接不可数名词。
Please give me a little water.请给我一点水。(形容词)
I know a little about that man.那个人的情况我知道一点。(名词)
not a little和not a bit两者意义不同,前者意为“很多”,“不少”(=much),后者意为“一点也不”,“一点也没有”(=not at all)。
4.  What if everyone else brings a present? (P27)要是其他人都带了礼物该怎么办呢? (来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
(1)everyone else中的else用来修饰everyone,表示“其他的,别的”,它常放在疑问词或不定代词的后面。
Is there anything else? 有别的东西吗?
What else can you see? 你能看见别的什么东西吗?
You must pay $100 or else go to prison. 你必须付一百美元,否则就得去坐牢。
(2)what if 表示“要是……又怎么样?”的意思,其结构相当于what would happen if...。
What if it rains when we can’t get under shelter?
5.  Well, dogs can be a lot of trouble. (P28)噢,狗可能带来许多麻烦。
I have some trouble in reading his handwriting. 我认他的笔迹有点难。
I am sorry to put you to so much trouble. 很抱歉这样麻烦你。
be in trouble “处于困境中”。
He is in trouble. Let’s help him. 他现在处于困境中,我们帮帮他吧。
6.  I’d introduce myself. (P29)我会作自我介绍。
这里的introduce是动词,意为“介绍”,常用于introduce sb to sb句型中,表示“把某人介绍给某人”。
He introduced his father to the teacher. 他把他父亲介绍给老师。
I introduced myself to the class. 我向班上同学作了自我介绍。
7.  I’d invite him/her to have dinner at my house. (P29)我会邀请他/她到我家吃晚饭。
动词invite在这里意为“邀请”,常用于invite sb to do sth句型,用来表示“邀请某人做某事”。
They invited us to go to Beijing. 他们邀请我们去北京。
They invited us to stay for the weekend. 他们邀请我们在他们家度周末。
8.  If you answered c for most questions, then you are probably pretty
confident. (P30)如果你大部分问题的答案都是c, 那么你可能相当自信。
(1)answer ...for questions意为“把问题回答成……”。
(2)probably 表示“很可能,或许”,语气较强,是有几分根据的推测或判断,含有可能性较大的意味,常位于行为动词前,情态动词、助动词或be动词后,有时也位于句首。
He can probably tell us the truth. 他很可能会告诉我们实情。
(3)confident是形容词,其名词为confidence,常用句型:have confidence in sb表示“信任/信赖某人”。
I have complete confidence in him. 我完全信任他。
(4)pretty在这里作副词用,相当于very,可用来修饰形容词或副词,意为“相当地”,表示程度。如:pretty beautiful很美;pretty well相当好。
I’m pretty sure he will come on time. 我很确信他会准时来。
The homework you did yesterday is pretty poor, you’d better do it once more.你昨天的作业做得相当糟,你最好重做。
9.  Social situations don’t bother you in the slightest. (P30)社会环境一点儿也不会影响你。
He’s busy. Don’t bother him. 他很忙,别打扰他。
I’m sorry to bother you, but can you tell me the time? 很抱歉打扰了,你能告诉我几点了吗?
10.  Sometimes you might annoy people because you’re so confident. (P30)有时候因为你太自信可能惹恼其他人。
He annoyed to learn that he would not be able to catch the train.
11.  You have plenty of friends and you enjoy the company of other people. (P30)你有很多朋友,而且还喜欢同他人在一起。
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·Teenagers should be allowed to choose their ow
·It must belong to Carla
·I used to be afraid of the dark.
·I like music that I can dance to.
·How do you study for a test?
·Where would you like to visit?
·I’llhelp clean up the city parks.
·When was it invented?
·By the time I got outside,the bus had already
·Could you please tell me where the restrooms a

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