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People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. They smile and they kiss. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word mouth. But some of them are not so nice.


For example, if you say bad things about a person, the person might protest and say "Do not bad mouth me."


Sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person’s feelings. Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell.


The speaker might say: "I really put my foot in my mouth this time." If this should happen, the speaker might feel down in the mouth. In other words, he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.


Another situation is when someone falsely claims another person said something. The other person might protest: "I did not say that. Do not put words in my mouth."


Information is often spread through word of mouth. This is general communication between people, like friends talking to each other. "How did you hear about that new movie?" someone might ask. "Oh, by word of mouth."? A more official way of getting information is through a company or government mouthpiece. This is an official spokesperson. Government-run media could also be called a mouthpiece.

信息往往是通过口耳相传传播,这是人们之间的日常沟通方式。例如朋友之间互相交谈, “你是怎么听说那部新电影的?”有人可能会问。 “哦,通过口耳相传。”更正式的获取信息的方式是通过公司或政府的喉舌,这个喉舌是指官方发言人。政府开办的媒体也可以被称为喉舌。

Sometimes when one person is speaking, he says the same thing that his friend was going to say. When this happens, the friend might say: "You took the words right out of my mouth!" Sometimes a person has a bad or unpleasant experience with another person. He might say that experience "left a bad taste in my mouth." Or the person might have had a very frightening experience, like being chased by an angry dog. He might say: "I had my heart in my mouth."


Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. There is an expression for this, too. You might say such a person, "was born with a silver spoon in his mouth."


This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth. This person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life, like food.


Parents might sometimes withhold sweet food from a child as a form of punishment for saying bad things. For example, if a child says things she should not say to her parents, she might be described as a mouthy child. The parents might even tell the child to stop mouthing off.


But enough of all this talk. I have been running my mouth long enough.


1. Do not bad mouth me.

别说我坏话。 Mouth在这里做动词,表示“说某人坏话”。例如:I won’t bad mouth Jay even if it kills me.打死我也不说杰伊的坏话。

2. I really put my foot in my mouth this time.

Put one’s foot in one’s mouth这个短语的意思是say something embarrassing, make a faux-pas(失言,说错话了)。当你说了不该说的话时,突然发觉你说错话了,就会这么说。例如:“I certainly put my foot in my mouth at the party last night when I asked Mister Brown to say hello to his wife for me. Somehow I’d forgotten that his wife died six months ago.”他说:“我昨晚在聚会上无意中说错了话。我让布朗先生替我向他的太太问好。不知怎么回事,我忘了他太太已经在半年前去世了。”

3. down in the mouth

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