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  就在这时,一个没有腿的人经过,坐在一个附着在旧溜冰轮子的木头平板上,带着两片木头,滑过街道。 (来源:英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  When Harold saw him, he had just crossed thestreet, trying toraise himself a few inches to get on the pavement. Harold’seyes methis, the disabled man said happily, “Good morning! Sr. Nicemorningweather, is not it?” At the time Harold felt a strange senseof satisfaction.He thought, I have 2 legs, he has no legs, but heis so happy, what reason do Ihave to be upset? So Harold becamemore confident, and went on happily。


  7. Anxiety is everywhere

  7. 无处不焦虑。

  Anxiety of safety, wealth, health and anxietyof children’seducation and employment… Only a person who is carefree canbehappy。


  8. Too much pressure/stress

  8. 压力过大。

  Political pressure, pressure from work,family, emotional stress,financial stress, interpersonal pressure,psychological pressure andphysical pressure


  9. Standards are too high

  9. 标准太高。

  Using person’s own standard to demand others“If I can, why can’tyou?”


  Using other’s standard to demand oneself, “Ifhe can, why can’tI?”


  10. Not being oneself

  10. 不能做回自己。

  A person who becomes a good son, a goodhusband, a good father, agood friend, a good partner… but if a person cannotbecome someonethat himself/herself desires, always fighting with oneself,thenthis person has no balance, and naturally, it is difficult forhim/her to betruly happy。


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·为什么找不到工作 八成大学生在浪费生命
·大学生创业之路难 资金不足是关键

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