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But you should also try hard to meet English speakers, and remember that this doesn't need to be face-to-face. It's great that all of you come to this blog but remember that there are thousands of other English language blogs too. Maybe it’s time to try out your English skills in 'public'?! 但同时你也的确应该试着多和英语使用者交流,不过记住,这可不必要是面对面的。像你们都来上我们的博客当然很好,不过全世界可有成千上万的英语博客呢,也许,是时候要试试把你的英语向公众展示了?
One last thought. Some of my friends work out in the gym. They put a lot of time and energy into developing amazing muscles. I have to say I've never really understood that. Just by leading my normal life, my body develops all the muscles it needs. (It doesn't need many – I have a very sedentary lifestyle!) So, I ask my friends, if you don't need muscles, why go to the gym? 最后想到一点:我有一些朋友常去健身。他们花了很多时间精力来练就一身好肌肉。我必须承认我从来不理解:我就算不去健身,身体也能发展出日常生活所需的肌肉呀!(我并不需要太多肌肉——我的生活方式很“宅”)。所以,我问我的朋友:如果你不需要用到肌肉,那干嘛去健身呢?
If you really don't have any contact with English speakers, why learn English? 如果你并不需要接触英语使用者,那干嘛学英语呢?
I'll leave you with that question. (来源:EnglishCN.com) 我把这个问题留给你啦。
Have a great weekend 周末愉快 |
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