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临近岁末,进行一次彻底的大扫除当然必不可少。快来看看哪个星座最勤快,哪个星座又是最会开溜的懒汉? (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
ARIES: gets competitive over who's the speediest sweeper or whose rag is dustiest. 白羊座是速度最快的清扫者,同时他的抹布也是最脏的。
TAURUS: goes over the same spot a million times with the vacuum, refusing to bend down to pick up the offending crumb. 倔强的金牛座宁可不厌其烦地用吸尘器吸脏物,也不愿弯下腰来直接捡起纸屑。
GEMINI: finishes their chores in half the time of everyone else. 双子座只用了其他人一半的时间就完成了所有的清扫任务。
CANCER: becomes preoccupied with your photo collection. 巨蟹座对你的影集很有兴趣,可能早就把打扫这件事抛到九霄云外了。
LEO: spends all day polishing down the mirrors. 狮子座会把所有的时间都花在擦镜子上。
VIRGO: SO doesn't need your help. 完美的处女座不需要任何人的帮忙。
LIBRA: keeps saying "don't I look adorable in this apron?" 天秤座不停地嘟哝着“穿上这条围裙的我看上去是不是很可爱?”
SCORPIO: makes the bed, fluffs the pillows and asks for volunteers to test it out with them. 天蝎座铺好床,抖抖枕头,还要求其他人一起检查他的工作是否合格。
SAGITTARIUS: doesn't like being stuck inside. Send them out for some fun on your riding lawnmower. 射手座可不喜欢闷在家里,让他负责外面的除草工作是再合适不过了。
CAPRICORN: weighs the pros, cons and financial incentives and may decide to go with a better offer. 摩羯座在权横轻重,比较利益得失之后,也许会决定给愿付更高的酬劳的人收拾屋子。
AQUARIUS: organizes your piles of junk into charity, recycle and compost. 水瓶座人变废为宝,懂得如何回收和利用垃圾。
PISCES: asks to do the windows and then keeps staring out into the yard. 双鱼座一边漫不经心地擦着窗户,一边还目不转睛地瞅着院子里的风景。