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四. 理解和运用商业术语   


You ask very short delivery for your order.
  写信的人原意是说"你们要求赶快交你们的定货。"   可是short delivery不是快点交货的意思,而是"短交"的意思,这就用错了商业术语。因此,应该说:   Your require quick(prompt) delivery of your order. (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

五. 合适的写作技巧或方法,以及正确运用其他的六个""

非英语国家的人学英语中普遍的弱点之一是不能正确地拼写(spelling)每一个英文字。拼写正确与否是一个很重要的问题。有时,一不小心,拼写错了,会误大事或出笑话。 你想买靴子,英文应该是BOOTS,要是拼写成BOATS就变成你想买船了。   怎样才能正确地拼写?最好的办法是读得仔细,注意每个字的正确拼法及字母排列。要注意 音节(syllables) 字根(roots) 前缀(prefixes) 后缀(suffixes)   有人就此写了首打油诗做了个"总结" I before E Except after C Or when sounded as A As in neighbor or weigh.   其基本意思是说除了在字母C之后或是发音是[ei ]之外,通常是IE之前。

现举例说明: (a) ie [发音i:] achieve grieve retrieve believe niece shield brief piece shriek chief pier siege field pierce thief fiend relieve wield fierce reprieve yield (b) ei [发音i:] ceiling, conceive, deceive, perceive, receive (c) ei [发音ei] feint, obeisance, sleigh freight, reign, veil inveigh, rein, weigh neighbor, skein, weight 例外: either, fiery, foreign, friend, heifer, height, inveigle, leisure, seize, sovereign, weird. 又如以ceed, cede,sede结尾的动词中,只有三个普通的动词以ceed结尾,即:exceed,proceed succeed结尾的,如: acced, concede, intercede, precede, recede. 名词的复数形式也得注意,否则也要出错。

不过如何把名词的单数变成复数还是有规律的。 a 绝大部分的名词从单数变为复数时,只要在词尾加个""就行了。如: hat, hats; acrobat, acrobats; banana, bananas. b 单数名词的字尾是s, ch, xz的复数,通常是加es, 如:mass, masses; patch, patches; tax, taxes; buzz, buzzes. c y结尾的y前是辅音字母的单数名词变复数时,把y去掉改为I再加es,如:city, cities community, communities. d y结尾的y前是元音字母的单数名词变复数时, 只要在字尾加s, 如:money, moneys. e o结尾的而o前是元音字母的单数名词,在字尾加s就变为复数, 如:radio, radios. f o结尾的而o前是辅音字母的单数名词变成复数时,应加es, 如: buffaloes, calicoes, cargoes, dominoes, echoes, embargoes, heroes, jingoes, mosquitoes, mottoes (mottos), mulattoes, potatoes, tomatoes, tornadoes, torpedoes, volcanoes. 但有例外如: banjos, bolos, cantos, contraltos, dynamos, gigolos, octaves, pianos, quartos, silos, solos, sopranos, zeros. g 绝大多数以f结尾的名词,从单数变为复数时, 把f换成v再加上es,如:half, halves, scarf, scarves(or : scarfs) ; self, selves ; sheaf, sheaves ; thief, thieves ; wolf, wolves. 但有例外如: beliefs, chiefs, dwarfs, griefs, handkerchiefs, hoofs, mischiefs, roofs, staffs h 专有名词一般在字尾加s ,构成复数,但以ch, s, xz结尾的专有名词,则要加es如: the Kellys, the six Marys, the Finleys, the Harrises, the Foxes, the Heinzes. ( i ) 字母,数字, 记号或其他作这种用途的字的复数形式是在字尾加"s", 如:three ms; two 2s; ifs and ands. ( j ) 某些外来字还保留其原来的复数形式: agendum------agenda    focus----------foci alumna-------alumnae    locus----------loci alumnus------alumni    hypothesis-----hypotheses analysis-----analyses   larva----------larvae axis---------axes     parenthesis----parenteses bacterium----bacteria   phenomenon-----phenomena basis--------bases    radius---------radii chassis------chassis   stratum--------strata crisis-------crises    tableau--------tableaux datum--------data     thesis---------theses   复合名词的复数通常是其中的主要字用复数形式,如:   fathers-in-law; hangers-on; passers-by; by-standers; solicitors general; attorneys general(or: attorney generals); major generals; Knights Templar.   但也有都用复数形式的,如: nanservant, menservants; woman-servant, women-servants   以上例子说明, 英语的拼写是有一定规律的,只是多加注意,便可以逐渐掌握其规律。但是,任何规律都有其相对的例外,这就需要特别下工夫。


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