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A sea life may be the very thing required to make a strong man of him.(海上生活也许是使他成为一个强壮的人所必要的事。) 【习题43】 1. The artist can within certain limits make what he likes of his life.In other callings,in medicine for instance or the law.you are free to choose whether you will adopt them or not,but having chosen,you are free no longer.(Maugham) 2. Men who have done great things,made stepping stones of their failure. (44)make one’s way He’ll have no difficulty in making his way in the world. 他要出人头地是没有什么困难的。 【解说】 英文的“make one’s way”有两个意思:①进行(proceed),例如make one’s way on foot (步行前进),make one’s way home(回家)。It rapidly made its way into universal favour.(那个很快地就获得了世人的爱好。)②在事业上的进展(make progress in one’s career),如He has yet his way to make in the world.(他还没有成就。)《综合英汉大辞典》上解释较详: to make one’s way (through difficulties—homeward—in life—in one’s profession)(排除困难而)进,(向家)行,(生涯)昌盛,(职业)成就。由此看来,我们可以知道,一个人在社会上的成功,并不是轻易得来的,而是由于“努力上进”,“力争上游”才获致的。上面说的 through difficulties 是历尽艰苦才得到的,正所谓“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”。 由这个成语而产生出许多类似的表现法,用其他种种动词和“way”(进路)组合起来,差不多都有这种排除万难而得以前进的意思,如 The chick breaks its way out into the world.(鸡雏啄破蛋壳出来进入世间。)cleave one’ s way through many difficulties to prosperity(排除万难,打开出路,以臻繁荣。)conquer one’s way to the higher happiness (克服挡在路上的苦难,而达到更大的幸福。)corkscrew one’s way through a crowd(在群众的夹缝中走。)又如 cut one’s way 意为排除障碍始得前进,即所谓筚路蓝缕,例如 Great men are those who cut their way to success through difficulties.(伟人都是历尽艰苦才达到成功的。)他如 feel one’s way up the stairs(摸上楼梯。)fight one’s way out of the seething swaying mob(从沸腾浮动着的群众中打出一条出路来。)fight one’s way in life (in the world).(人生奋斗。)A young man must find his own way in the world without props and safeguards.(年轻人必须在没有支持和保护之下自己来打天下。)I had some difficulty in finding my way back.(我很费了劲才找到路回家。)He forced his way from a humble origin to an exalted position.(他从微贱中奋斗而达到高位。)又可说 forge one’s own way to success (打开成功之路。)labor one’s way with great difficulty(艰苦奋斗。)With no further formal education,he had worked his way to a major position.(他没有受过更多的正式教育,也搞到一个重要的位置了。)He worked his way through college as a waiter.(他半工半读,一面当侍者,一面读完大学。) (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com) 【类例】 The young man will make his way,for he is industrious and economical.(那青年既勤快又节俭是会成功的。) He (Disraeli) is determined to make his way.(Edinburgh Review)(他是决心要成功的。) Snails are making their way as an article of food.(蜗牛渐渐变成食品了。)