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  The word is a provincialism,but has made its way into standard speech.(这字原为方言,次第变成标准语了。)

  The carp always makes its way up a waterfall.(鲤鱼跳龙门。)

  Be active!That’s the way to make you way 〔up〕 in the world.(放活跃些!那就是你出人头地的办法。)


  1. So long as you are not a useful,faithful,and truthful man,you can scarcely hope to make your way in the world.

  2. He has made his way to presidency step by step.

  3. There is scarcely a great truth but has had to fight its way to public recognition in the face of opposition.







  I am thinking of building a house enclosed with earthen walls,in which plenty of bamboos,trees and various flowers should be planted.There should be a curved path paved with broken bricks leading to the porch.There are two spacious rooms behind the porch,one used as drawing?room and the other as study.Books and paintings,records and documents,writing?brushes and inksticks as well as inkstones,wine utensils and tea?sets are to be put in these two rooms.My intimate friends and young people may come here to discuss literature and make poems.Behind these there is the residence consisting of three bedrooms for the family,two rooms as kitchen,and one as servant quarters,so the total number of rooms in this house is eight,under the same thatched roof.That will be quite enough for me.Some one says that such a house is comfortable to live in,but the trouble is that thieves might easily break in,too.But he doesn’t realize that thieves are but poor people.If they should come,I would open the door and invite them to step in,so as to talk over the distribution of my belongings.They may take whatever I have.In case there is nothing at all worth taking,I would give them the hereditary blue blanket as what Wang Shien?tze had possessed,with which they may pawn for a hundred cashes to meet their urgent need.You must know,my dear brother,that this place will serve as the last resort to spend my peaceful latter years,but I wonder if I could be able to fulfill it or not. (来源:英语论坛 http://bbs.englishcn.com)


  (1)碎砖铺曲迳(同径):crazy pavement.(2)二门:门廊,porch.(3)砚瓦:中国的书画家喜欢用汉瓦或汉砖作砚。inkstone.(4)酒董:酒器。wine utensils。(5)奴子屋:仆人住的地方。servant quarters.(6)草苫:thatched.(7)王献之之青毡:晋人王子敬被盗时,只说“那铺青毡是我家祖传的东西,请你特别给我留下,其余你要的东西,随便你拿去好了”。the hereditary blue blanket as Wang Shien?tze had possessed.(8)质:典当。pawn.(9)狂兄:板桥自称的谦词。Ⅰ. (10)娱老之资:娱老意为养老。资在此为凭借之物。last resort for my old age.

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