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(1)目:指我们的眼睛,英文要说“人”看,不要说“眼睛”看,故不可译成the eye或our eyes.(2)形:外形,我们见到一件东西的样子。shape;form.(3)色:由一种特殊波长的光线所产生的效果。或是由于分解了的光线在我们眼睛上所产生的感觉。由此可知光与色的关系。(4)资乎:depend on;help.(5)依:by means of;by.(6)立乎:存在。be.(7)相得益彰:得到陪衬,愈为明显。help each other to become more conspicuous. (5)教学相长 【原文】 虽(1)有嘉肴(2),弗食(3),不知其旨也(4);虽有至道(5),弗学,不知其善也。是故学,然后知不足(6);教,然后知困(7)。知不足;然后能自反(8)也,知困;然后能自强(9)也。故曰,教学相长(10)也。(《礼记》) 【译文】 Even when there is good food,you will not know its deliciousness,if you don’t taste it;even when there is a good doctrine,you will not know its virtue,if you don’t learn it.Therefore,to learn makes us realize our deficiency,and to teach makes us know the difficulties.Having realized our deficiency,we may then come to reflect;having known the difficulties,we may be able to strengthen ourselves to overcome them.So,we say,to teach is to learn. 【注释】 (1)虽:即使。even.不是虽然,故不可译成though.(2)嘉肴:table delicacy;viands.简易地说good food.(注意food不可用复数)。(3)弗食:弗,作“不”字解。食,作“品尝”解。这句翻译时,应加假设语气及主语上去。在这种副词子句中,要用现在动词以代未来动词。(4)不知其旨也:you will not know its deliciousness.不可译成delicacy或delicacies,因为此字意为“佳肴”,而不是“美味”。(5)至道:good doctrine.(6)不足:deficiency.(7)困:difficulty.(8)自反:即反省。reflect.(9)自强:strengthen oneself.(10)相长:benefit each other. (6)翻译文欠通顺 【原文】 (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) 辜鸿铭著《张文襄幕府纪闻》有题为《不解》一则云: 昔年陈立秋侍郎(1)兰彬,出使(2)美国,有随员(3)徐某(4),夙不解西文(5)。一日,持西报展览(6)颇入神(7)。使馆译员(8)见之,讶然(9)曰:“君何时谙识(10)西文乎?”徐曰:“我固(11)不谙。”译员曰:“君既不谙西文,阅此奚为(12)?”徐答曰:“余以为阅西文固不解,阅诸君之翻译文亦不解。同一不解(13),固不如阅西文之为愈也。”至今传为笑柄(14)。 【译文】 An Anecdote from Ku Hung?ming’s “Hearsay Accounts at the Secretariate of Chang Tzu?tung.” Many years ago a Mr. Hsu was in the suite of Chen Lan?ping,who had been a vice minister at home and was then sent on a mission to the USA.Though quite ignorant of English,Mr. Hsu was seen one day holding in his hand an English newspaper,and reading it with absorbing interest.The interpreters of the Legation who had witnessed the scene asked him in surprise: “When did you learn English?” “I have not yet learned it,”the other replied. With great astonishment,the interpreters went on:“Since you don’t know English,why on earth should you read the paper?” “I cannot understand English,”Mr. Hsu answered quietly,“nor can I understand your translation.So I think it’s better to read the original than to read the translation of yours,because both are Greek to me.”