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This has been told as a laughng?stock since then. 【注释】 (1)侍郎:官名。vice minister.(2)出使:be sent on a mission to.(3)随员:be in the suite of.(4)徐某:a Mr. Hsu.(5)夙不解西文:素来不懂得英文。quite ignorant of English.“夙”可译作from the first或originally,但不必译出。(6)展览:打开来看,但不是真的阅读,英文可说pretend to read(佯装阅读),但仍以不如此明说为宜。(7)颇入神:对某事心醉神迷。with ecstasy;be in (go into) ecstasies over。(8)译员:interpreter;translator.(9)讶然:表示疑怪的样子。in surprise;in wonder.(10)谙识:懂得。understand.(11)固:surely;certainly;of course.(12)奚为:为什么。why.(13)同一不解:both are Greek to me.(14)笑柄:laughing?stock. (7)学无所用 【原文】 鲁人身(1)善织屦(2),妻善织缟(3),而欲徙(4)于越。或(5)谓之曰:“子必穷矣。”鲁人曰:“何也?”曰:“屦为履之(6)也,而越人跣行(7);缟为冠之(8)也,而越人被发(9)。以子之所长(10),游于不用之国,欲使无穷,其可得乎?” 【译文】 A native of Lu was good at making hempen sandals and his wife at weaving silk taffeta;and they intended to move to the State of Yueh.Someone told them that they would become poor if they should do so.The native of Lu asked him,“Why do you think so?”The other said:“You know sandals are made for the feet,but the people of Yueh are barefooted.The silk taffeta is for the head,but the people of Yueh are bareheaded. Now you go to a country where your special skill is not wanted.How can it be that you will not become poor?” 【注释】 (1)身:本身,本人。oneself.(2)屦:(音句)麻履。hempen sandals.cf.屣:草履。straw sandals.履:皮屦。leather shoes,即俗称革履。(3)缟:白色生绢。缟冠,a white silk cap.(4)徙:迁居。move.(5)或:有人。somebody.(6)履之:something for the feet to wear.(7)跣行:barefooted.(8)冠之:something for the head to wear.(9)被发:bareheaded.(10)子之所长:what you are skilled in;what you specialize in. (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com) 附录 当代英美名作摘译 小引 一般读书人都是陶渊明的信徒,读书不求甚解,明白了一点大意就满足了。因此一动手来翻译,立刻就露出马脚来,连大名鼎鼎的胡适博士亦在所不免。他所译的短篇小说和原文常有出入。日本人读书比较认真,所以他们的译文是不会有太离谱的。这并不太难,只要我们放弃不求甚解的习惯,仔细精读原文,自不难彻底理解。果能把原文逐字逐句理解无遗,再运用中文的表现能力,自然就能很忠实而流利地翻译出来了。 (1) Suppose you ignore the telephone when it rings,and suppose that,for once,somebody has an important message for you.I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later.Think of the proverb:“Ill news travels apace.”I must say good news seems to travel just as fast.And think of the saying:“The truth will out.”It will.But suppose you answer the telephone when it rings.If,when you take off the receiver,you say “Hullo!” just think how absurd that is.Why,you might be saying “Hullo!” to a total stranger.a thing you would certainly think twice about before doing in public,if you were English.