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  What is perhaps strangest today is the keen widespread interest displayed toward people who are,on the one hand,not real celebrities and,on the other,not personally known to one.Most gossip that doesn’t concern one’s friends and acquaintances has,classically,a certain snob appeal—has to do with people of great wealth or fame or beauty.But much that one reads today in the gossip columns has to do,it might almost be said,with people whose reputations are being made at the same time they’re being unmade—people who only exist,as it were,in terms of the gossip.The who’s?dating?whom,the rumors of divorce,the shifts of affection,the speculations as marriage,the pregnancies and births,are for the most part—in New York,at any rate—about people only marginally in the limelight and often actually on the side lines.That Sonny Tink,the underwear heir,is dating a starlet,or even a showgirl;that a TV scriptwriter is horning in on the happy home of a candy?bar maker;that it’s a boy at the Gumbridges (his pajama company sponsors a minor radio program);that a dog?biscuit tycoon has taken to investing in Broadway shows—this is the run of such stuff;and in a city of 8,000,000 people—a city that teems with real celebrities—this would seem to me of a piece with the trailer items in an old?fashioned small?town society column. (来源:最老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)


  本文采自美国作家Louis Kronenberger(1904— )的一篇文章A Note on Privacy中的一节。描写私生活日益遭受侵害,物议纷纭,人言可畏。行文故意规避平易的表现,而采用奇特的语法,点缀一些有趣的警句和新鲜的比喻,口语俗语自由使用,有时未免艰深难解,总之,不失为奔放不羁的文体。作者为德国系统犹太人的后裔,在出生地Ohio的Cincinnati大学毕业后,1924年前往纽约,先在Boni & Liveright公司编辑部工作,后又改任Knopf出版公司编辑。发表了许多小说和评论,现为纽约《泰晤士报》写剧评,相当活跃。


  (1)the keen widespread interest热烈的普遍的兴趣。(2)displayed toward people who are对那些人们展示的。(3)on the one hand... on the other (hand)在一方面……在另一方面。(4)celebrities名人,闻人。(5)personally known to亲身认识。(6)gossip街谈巷议;在人背后说人长短或是非闲谈。(7)that doesn’t concern one’s friends and acquaintances无关他的朋友或相识的。(8)classically原义为“正统地”,在此用着“传统地”(traditionally)相近的意味。(9)snob appeal意为appeal to snobbery,以名词修饰名词,简洁有力,为现代英语中常见的用法。has a certain snob appeal引起某种装模作样的兴趣。据Random House Dictionary of the English Language的解释说snob=a person who pretends to have social importance,intellectual superiority,etc.意为一个假装社会上重要的人物,或智力超人表示他什么事都知道的样子。snob在此指snobbish character或conduct.即上述俗物的性格或行为。(10)has to do with与……有关。(11)people of great wealth or fame or beauty极为富有,极为有名,极为美貌的人。(12)much that one reads today in the gossip columns今日我们在闲话栏中所读到的大部分的社会新闻。(13)reputations are being made at the same time they’re being unmade.由于声名狼藉而使声誉鹊起。意为以丑行而出名的。这种表现法很是有趣。(14)as it were可谓。(15)in terms of由于(by means of);从什么的观点(from the standpoint of).(16)The who’s?dating?whom谁在跟谁闹恋爱。这种随意加短划而把若干单字构成一语,也是新的表现法。(17)the shifts of affection移情别恋。(18)speculations臆测。(19)pregnancies怀孕。(20)only marginally in the limelight仅是略为靠近灰光灯所照射的部分。意指稍为世人所知的。(21)on the side lines在界线外的地方。借用运动术语,以作比喻的表现。The spectators watched the game from the side lines.观众站在线外看比赛。(22)Sonny Tink捏造的名字,非实际的公司名。(23)underwear heir内衣公司老板的继承人。是一种极为紧缩的表现法。(24)is dating a starlet和一个小明星约会。(25)showgirl在歌舞场献技的女郎。(26)a TV scriptwriter电视脚本作者。(27)is horning in on the happy home正在破坏一个幸福的家庭。horn in=intrude闯入。为美国俗语。(28)candy?bar maker糖果制造商。(29)it’s a boy at the Gumbridges在简家生了一个男孩。(30)his pajama company简家经营的睡衣公司。(31)sponsor a minor radio program赞助一个小型的广播节目。(32)a dog?biscuit tycoon饲犬用的饼干业巨子。(33)take to喜欢;耽于。(34)Broadway shows百老汇上演的戏。(35)the run=the average kind普通的种类。cf.the common run of men(普通人)。(36)teem with充满着。(37)of a piece with=of the same kind与……同一类。(38)the trailer items附加的记事。trailer原意为电影样片。

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