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  Scobie is a sort of protozoic profile in fog and rain,for he carries with him a sort of English weather,and he is never happier than when he can sit over a microscopic wood?fire in winter and talk.One by one his memories leak through the faulty machinery of his mind until he no longer knows them for his own.Behind him I see the long grey rollers of the Atlantic at work,curling up over his memories,smothering them in spray,blinding him.When he speaks of the past it is in a series of short dim telegrams—as if already communications were poor,the weather inimical to transmission.In Dawson City the ten who went up the river were frozen to death.Winter came down like a hammer,beating them senseless:whisky,gold,murder—it was like a new crusade northward into the timberlands.At this time his brother fell over the falls in Uganda;in his dream he saw the tiny figure,like a fly,fall and at once get smoothed out by the yellow claw of water.No,that was later when he was already staring along the sights of a carbine into the very brainbox of a Boer.He tries to remember exactly when it must have been,dropping his polished head into his hands;but the grey rollers intervene,the long effortless tides patrol the barrier between himself and his memory. (来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)


  本文作者Lawrence George Durrel(1912— )是英国的诗人兼小说家,出生于印度,回国受教育。曾任海外各地的通讯员,甚至还做过夜总会的琴师。他有文学天赋,才气蓬勃,他的文章被誉为绣帷缀锦(tapestry)具有丰富的字汇和华丽的色彩。他以20世纪30年代的埃及亚历山大为背景,写成The Alexandria Quartet四部作,其第一部Justine,成于1957年,第二部Balthuzar及第三部Mountolive,均成于1958年,第四部Clea则成于1960年。各部的观点和写作手法都有不同,具有立体的及其他多方面的效果。作者长于人物描写,即令是同一个人物,在各书中出现时,都是从不同的角度看去,而加以描写的。所以新的面影摧毁了旧的轮廓,但并未使之完全消失,仍在读者的心目中,留下一个残像,重重相叠,新像再印在旧像之上,就好像一张感光的底片,一次又一次把人相照上去,结果没有一个具有个性的特定的人物存在,只剩下一堆具有莫名其妙的侧面的人影,或是说得正确一点,像人一样的面影,浮现在读者的眼前。本文采自他的四部作的第一部Justine中的一段。我们且来欣赏一下作者的人物描写吧。Scobie原服务海军中,经过长年的海上生活之后,现加入埃及警察部队,已经是一个快七十岁的老人了。这种喜剧的描写,隐喻叠出,有如用散文写出的一首诗。

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