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  Interpretations of history can cause offense. A French politician was sentenced to jail recently for remarks about the Nazi occupation of France。 (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)


  His remarks were considered “politically incorrect”。


  In the book A Short History of Political Correctness, Ruth Perry explains that in order to cause minimum offense to race, gender, age, profession, religion, culture, disability and so on, political correctness, as an umbrella, functions as a social consensus on language, policy, behavior and other ideas to ensure no social group suffers from discrimination。

  在《政治正确性简史》一书中,鲁兹 帕瑞(音译)解释说,政治正确性是一把保护伞,作为就语言、政治、行为及其他思想而达成的社会共识,以确保所有社会群体不受歧视,最大程度上减小对宗族、性别、年龄、职业、宗教、文化、残疾的冒犯。

  Thus any ignite violation of social taboos and political correctness could cause damage。


  “We live in a culture in which a breach of political correctness is criminal,” said Leo Schwartz in the Columbia Daily Spectator last week。

  “在我们所处的文化之中,违反政治正确性即是犯罪。”里奥 施瓦兹(音译)于上周的《哥伦比亚观察家》中如是说。



  Don’t joke about bombs: A new taboo due to the US’ war on terrorism. Remember Chandler Bing in Friends? He is detained for a joke. In real life, the consequences could be far worse。

  不要拿炸弹来开玩笑:这是美国反恐战争所产生的最新禁忌语。记得《老友记》中的钱德 宾(音译)吗?他因为一个玩笑而被扣押。在实际生活中,其后果可能更严重。

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