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  十、先做最难的部分。选出工作中最烦心的部分,第一个解决掉。精力充沛时,处理这种事比较容易;接下来的任务也会轻松得多。 (来源:英语学习门户网站EnglishCN.com)

  Don’t accumulate unanswered emails– make sure you reply to emails as they come. Have it as an ongoing thing in between tasks. That will help you avoid the “email duty” before you leave work for home。


  Cheer up your desk – have something nice/cute/funny/positive on your desk because it will make you smile each time you look at it. During the day look at this thing and forget about the problem for a few seconds。


  Make a phone call – no matter how busy you are you can always find a few minutes to call the ones you love. Those few minutes will charge you up with positive feelings and remind that work is not your whole life, but just part of it。


  Music in your ears – If you do not have your separate office, noise, conversations and ringing phones may get on your nerves when you need to concentrate. Put on the headphones, tune into your most productive music and concentrate on your task。


  For many people full time work is part of every day life. We just need to make sure that it does not affect negatively our health, family and life balance。对很多人而言,工作是日常生活的重要部分。所以,必须避免工作消极影响我们的健康、家庭及生活平衡。

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