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Merriam-Webster has just released the list of the some 100 new words added to its Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. (来源:老牌的英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)


staycation 家中度假

"Our language evolves in many ways," says John Morse, president and publisher of Merriam-Webster. "People enjoy blending existing words, like combining 'stay' and 'vacation' to make staycation. "


"Staycation is a good example of a word meeting a need and establishing itself in the language very quickly. Our earliest record of use is from 2005, but it seems to have exploded into popular use in 2007."

“‘staycation 家中度假’这个新词就是一个很好的例子,它根据需求应运而生,并很快在语言中占有了一席之地。关于该词的最早使用记录是在2005年,而它在2007年发展为被广泛地使用。”

carbon footprint 碳足迹

Many of the new additions reflect the importance of the environment (carbon footprint, green-collar), government activities (waterboarding), pop culture (flash mob, reggaeton), and online activities (sock puppet, vlog, webisode).


waterboarding 水刑

The updated dictionaries define "waterboarding" as "an interrogation technique in which water is forced into a detainee's mouth and nose so as to induce the sensation of drowning" . Other words added to the new dictionary include "Webisode," defined as "an episode especially of a TV show that may or may not have been telecast but can be viewed at a Web site."

新字典对"waterboarding"的解释是:一种审讯方式,受审者的口鼻被强行灌水,从而产生溺亡的感觉。添加的新词还包括"Webisode" ,它的意思是:特指从电视节目中节选出来的一段视频,或未公开过的视频镜头,被上传到网上供人浏览。

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