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    ● 使某人处于吃亏的地位               put sb. at a disadvantage
   ● 他吃亏吃在太自私上。              It is to his disadvantage that he is too selfish.
   ● 吃力                             entail strenuous effort; be a strain
   ● 吃力地前进                         labor one's way with difficulty
   ● 吃力地爬山                         labor up a hill

  ● 吃力地踏着雪走                   labor through the snow
  ● 吃力地穿过草丛                   wade through the weeds
  ● 吃力地穿过森林                   work through the forest
  ● 吃力地干一件事                   labor at a task; have a hard job doing a thing
  ● 吃力地啃一本书                   toil through a book (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)

  ● 吃力地读完一份长报告             wade through a long report
  ● 吃力地把某物运上山               sweat sth. up the hill
  ● 毫不吃力地做某事                 make light work of sth. [of doing sth.]  
  ● 吃力不讨好                       do a hard but thankless job; carry owls to Athens
  ● 工作吃力                         feel the strain of work; find a job difficult

  ● 学习吃力                         have difficulty with one's lessons
  ● 呼吸吃力                         breathe with difficulty; labor for breath
  ● 说话吃力                         speak with effort
  ● 谈话很吃力                       labor under great difficulties in conversation
  ● 总干吃力不讨好的事                be a fool to oneself; be a fool for one's pains

  ● 真是件吃力的事                    be a real strain
  ● 登山是很吃力的。                  Climbing a mountain takes efforts.
  ● 车轮在沙里吃力地转动。             The wheels labored in the sand.  
  ● 船在滚滚波涛中吃力地行驶。         The ship labored through the heavy seas.
  ● 这事吃力不讨好。                  The effort, though with good intentions, does not work well.

  ● 他不会干这种吃力的活儿。           He will not take the sweat.
  ● 吃零食                            take snacks between meals; nibble between meals
  ● 睡前吃零食                         eat a snack before going to bed
  ● 他老在吃零食。                     He is forever snacking.
  ● 吃奶                              suck the breast

  ● 吃奶的婴儿                         an infant at the breast
  ● 吃着奶的孩子                       a child at suck
  ● 给婴儿吃奶                         give suck to a baby
  ● 用尽吃奶的力气                     strain every muscle
  ● 婴儿吃奶。                         The baby took [sucked] the breast.

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