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Rewrite Your Worst Days as Saturday Night Live Skits (来源:英语学习门户 http://www.EnglishCN.com)
At some point, the people you’re caring for are going to say and do things—possibly involving bodily fluids—that are going to put you over the edge. When this happens, of course, you’ll take a step back, choose to be mindful and otherwise respond in a perfectly mentally healthy kind of way. Except when you don’t. To gain a little distance between yourself and the this-can’t-be-happening reality, imagine how the situation would play out as a comedy sketch. In other words, find the funny. And for times when you can’t even muster the will to do that, there's always the Internet. Go find the most absurd comedy clips online, and drown your sorrows in this ridiculously cute example, or this cringe-inducing yet hilarious story.
Go with Leaves, Not Flowers
Roses and gerber daisies can be colorful pick-me-ups, but they don't have the healing power of the less appreciated eucalyptus, especially when you feel a cold coming on. The scent of these leafy boughs has been shown to ease decongestion and clear the sinuses, so hang a bundle of fresh eucalyptus from the curtain rod in your bathroom as soon as you start sniffling. The heat and steam will activate the herb's essential oils, and one bunch should last a few weeks.