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Love can be so boring  

I uploaded a lot of my pictures last night.
Ive got one of Michael, me and wes, me, amy ,michelle and mandy, and one of all the grandkids and one of me, mom and michelle, and I uploaded my ID card, and 2 other pictures of me and one of James. Just so i can show him off.

I keep thinking about anthony... and everytime i think of him it makes me think.. "michael" and whenever i think of michael i get all sad. Because i had such a wonderful time with him. ::sigh::

haha... . I dont know what was wrong with me. I just was not in a good mood. and didnt feel like putting up with anyone.

But ive basically done nothing for the past 4 days.. but work and download music for shawna, evan, and holly.

My sisters cat is dying... she thinks that roo has cancer..and she wont eat.. and shes only like an inch wide. Roo is anorexic. damned siamese. thinking they gotta be perfect.

Mom said that ive got to offer pookie back to michelle of Roo does die.

DAMNIT. i dont care if my sisters cat does die. Pookie is MY cat. sometimes i hate my mother. just want to stab a broken broom stick in her head.

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