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“Never End a Sentence in a Preposition” and Six Other Myths about Writing
下面是一些商务写作中常见的规则,不过作者告诉你在适当的时候打破他们可以收到出奇制胜的效果。 (来源:http://www.EnglishCN.com)
There are many "rules" when it comes to writing, and business writing is no exception. There are seven common rules that insurance claims people must occasionally break to make their communications supple and effective .. and it's okay.
by Gary Blake The Communication Workshop
In almost every writing skills seminar, there comes a moment in which a participant finds that one of the notions about writing that he or she has held since elementary school is either no longer valid or is dead wrong. In an attempt to standardize communication in English, many teachers and scholars codify their opinion as “rules.” These rules are really guidelines that must occasionally yield to provide flexibility to our efforts to express ourselves.
Although we cannot communicate without at least some understanding of the rules, we also need to be flexible about their application. It's important to leave room for creativity while maintaining the goal of clear communication.
Below are seven “rules” that claims people must break occasionally to give their communications the suppleness and effectiveness they demand.

1. “Never end a sentence on a preposition.”句子不要以介词结尾
When criticized for occasionally ending a sentence on a preposition, Winston Churchill replied, “This is the type of errant pedantry up with which I will not put.” Churchill’s reply satirizes the strict adherence to this rule. No one is urging you to write, “Where is Johnny at?” or “Where are you going to?” The best, most effective communication sounds and feels natural, and if that means writing, “Here is the file the list belongs with” instead of “Here is the file with which the list belongs,” then write it that way.
2. “Never use ‘I’ in business writing.”在商务写作中不要使用“I”
Although the use of “I” is forbidden in formal research reports and in technical journals, if you are writing about your own thoughts, actions, or opinions (“I believe …” or “I’ve enclosed …”) in a business letter and aren’t speaking for your company or department as a whole, “I” is acceptable.
3. “Never start a sentence with a conjunction.”句子不要以连接词开始
Admittedly, starting a sentence with a conjunction can leave the reader confused with what preceded the “and,” “or,” “but,” or “yet.” It automatically creates a sentence fragment, because, if you lift the sentence off the page, it makes no sense at all. But sometimes starting with a conjunction can add vividness, power, and flow to thought. That’s why there are so many conjunction-opening sentences in advertisements, direct mail, newspapers, speeches, and e-mails. They mirror the way we actually speak.
4. “Never write a one-sentence paragraph.”不要写只有一个句子的段落
Our teachers may have defined a paragraph as “a cluster of like ideas,” but sometimes a sentence stands alone. There may be only a single thought you have to express on a subject. Also, you may be striving for the dramatic effect of an occasional one-sentence paragraph. A one-sentence paragraph can be a reader-friendly way of forming a bridge between two lengthy paragraphs.
5. “Don’t use contractions in writing.”写作中不要使用缩略形式
We use contractions when we speak. It’s a normal and natural way to express oneself. Those who oppose the use of contractions in written communications view them as too informal, like wearing a suit without a tie at a business meeting. However, avoiding contractions can make a sentence sound stiff, as in “We did not see the truck that hit us.” Relax. Loosen up. No one ever lost a client by sounding friendly and at ease.
6. “Never split an infinitive.”不要分开动词不定式
This used to be the mantra of every high school English teacher. We went into all sorts of verbal contortions always to obey that rule. Now, it’s the lace hanky of composition—nice, but not always needed or even appropriate. Which of these sounds better, is more forceful, and is not ambiguous: “We intend actively to pursue improvements” or “We intend to actively pursue improvements”? The new rule should be to avoid splitting infinitives whenever possible, but not if it reduces the effectiveness of the sentence or creates ambiguity.
7. “Avoid personification.”避免人格化 |