飞机旅行相关词汇 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
飞机旅行相关词汇 1. civil aviation 民用航空 2. plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机 3. airliner 班机 4. airline航空公司 5. jet, supersonic plane 喷气机 6. airliner, passenger aircraft 客机 7. medium-haul aircraft 中程飞机 8. long-range aircraft, long-haul |
什么是ERP? [IT业常见词] |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 企业资源计划 简称ERP (这个词语在IT业日趋火爆,我们有必要了解它是什么) 它是一组应用软件,处理一个机构的核心工作。ERP是从材料资源计划(MRP)和制造资源计划(MRPⅡ)系统发展而来的,这些工作包括财务管理(如总帐、应收帐/应付 |
与WTO相关的一组词汇(2) |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
国际兽疫组织 International Office of Epizootics 知识产权 IPRs (Intellectual property rights) 国际纺织品服装局 ITCB (International Textile and Clothing Bureau) 市场准入 Market access ----------------------- 产品生命周期分析 LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) |
WTO Words 世贸词汇集(2) |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
交叉报复cross retaliation 海关完税价值customs value 环保型技术EST(Environmentally-sound technology) 出口实绩export performance 出口补贴export subsidy 粮食安全food security 免费搭车者(享受其他国家最惠国待遇而不进行相应减让的国家) free-rider 政府采购go |
英语单词系统记忆 3 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
E.EC.EX.EXTRA out 向外 e,ec,ex,extra 是英文重要的字首之一. 其中 e,ex 源自拉丁文介系词 e,ex,ec 源自希腊文介系词 ek,ex,都有 out,outside之意; extra 则来自拉丁文副词与介系词extra,原有 outside,except,without 之意. 这个字首另有两种比较少见的变音. 后面所接 |
倾盆大雨 Rain Cats and Dogs |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
倾盆大雨 Rain Cats and Dogs --------------------------------------------------------- Like many other phrases contained in these pages, the origin of this phrase is unknown. Its first recorded use is by Jonathan Swift in Polite Conversation, written |
TOEFL最新成语及其例句 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
1.Those second-hand pianos are selling like hot cakes,if you want one,you'd betterbuy one now before they're all gone. sell like hot cakes=sell very well or very quickly 2.Whenever I have to make a speech I get butterflies in my stomach. get butterfl |
英语单词系统记忆 2 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
英语单词系统记忆 2 CO.COM.CON with,together 一起,共同 字首 co,com,con 源自拉丁文介系词 cum,为 with 之意. co,com,con 是重要的英文字首,除了co,com,con 之外,并有 col和cor 等五种拼法. 字根第一个音若是母音,半母音或 h,一般拼作 co,如 coalescev. [结合],cohere |
What are the Leonids?狮子座流星群 |
日期:2000-01-01 00:00:00
What are the Leonids? -------------------------- Every year in mid-November, Earth passes close to an area of the debris trail left from the passing of periodic comet Tempel-Tuttle. The trail is littered with very small sand grain sized pebbles and d |
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