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In a unified Europa that is wants to play an active role in the globalization process functional English language skills are an essential requirement for success in any calling.
Incorporating TOEIC into your education and training programmes emphasizes your willingness to provide high quality services to your students and clients: (来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

 •  TOEIC is tailored for the needs of professional people and employees who use English in business related contexts. 
 •  TOEIC also enables you to monitor the learning progress within a degree programme such as a Master of Business (MBA) or a further education course. 
 •  TOEIC meets the requriments of companies operating on an international scale. 
 •  The TOEIC score is a valuable asset on your CV. 

The TOEIC certificate is recognized throughout the world of business.

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· TOEICforEducationProviders-Olympia&Leipzig
· TOEIC考试时间分配详细攻略
· TOEICforEducationProviders-Qualitystandards
· 获得TOEIC高分的八个锦囊妙计
· TOEICforEducationProviders-Furthereducation
· TOEICforCompanies
· 托业七大题型详解(2)Questions/Responses
· TOEICforCompanies-Flexibility
· 托业七大题型详解(3)ShortConversations
· TOEICforCompanies-Efficiency

上一篇: TOEICforEducationProviders-Olympia&Leipzig  
下一篇: TOEIC考试时间分配详细攻略
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