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我们上次讲了两个由rope这个词组成的习惯用语:learn the rope和know the rope。我们今天还要讲两个以rope为关键词的习惯用语。你已经知道rope作名词意思是“绳索”,但你知不知道rope也可以当动词,解释“用绳子捆绑束缚”呢? 例如在下面这个习惯用语里rope就是个动词: rope someone in。 (来源:英语杂志 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

你也许看到过这样的镜头:骑手看准一匹奔驰的烈马趁其不备飞投绳索把它套住,令其就范。这个习惯用语也许就出在这儿。那么这个习惯用语的象征意义是什么呢? 让我们通过例子来揣摩。有一则新闻报导说,一家健康俱乐部的老板被警方逮捕后招认,他花言巧语拐骗越南少女来美国当应召女郎。

例句-1:The health club roped in young girls with ads in Asian papers saying they could earn $1000 a week here with free airline tickets! But it was all a trap to turn them into call girls.


这个健康俱乐部花言巧语骗少女上当,跳进卖淫的火坑。这是给无知少女设下的圈套,所以rope someone in意思就是设圈套诱骗某人上当。



例句-2: I'm afraid she's been completely roped in by that young man! He's got no job no family background! How can I accept such a marriage! I always believed she was smart. I'm so disappointed in her!

他说:我担心她完全是中了那年轻人的圈套。那人一没工作、二没家庭背景。我怎么能同意攀这样一门亲呢? 我一直以为女儿很聪明。 她实在让我太失望了。

这儿she's been roped in,意思是她上当受骗了。


我们再来学一个习惯用语: at the end of one's rope。你一定看过人们把狗或者别的牲口系在绳子的一端,另一头系在柱子上,这条狗就束手无策,没法东游西逛了。At the end of one's rope常用来说处于某种境地的人。我们要听个例子,说的是Tom的奇妙经历。

例句-3:With his savings gone, and bills piling up, Tom was at the end of his rope. Then the good news arrived! A lawyer told him he was heir to one million dollars belonging to his late uncle.


所以at the end of his rope意思是他处在山穷水尽、才智枯竭的地步。Tom原本一文莫名、债台高筑,摇身一变成了百万富翁,真是福从天降。然而下一个例子里的Mary不但没那份福气,还祸不单行。我们来听听Mary的不幸遭遇。

例句-4:Mary is at the end of her rope. After her husband lost his job last year she's been the only breadwinner for her family. And now the doctor says she has cancer. What in the world can she do?


Mary的丈夫失业已经够呛,而她自己又得了癌症,简直是雪上加霜,今后的日子怎么过呢?所以at the end of her rope意思还是山穷水尽,束手无策。

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·American Idioms 325 - learn the ropes
·American Idioms 327 - on the/ ropes / give sb.
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·American Idioms 328 - fight tooth and nail...
·American Idioms 323 - go bananas / compare ora
·American Idioms 322 - not playing with a full
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·American Idioms 320 - thin air / come up for a
·American Idioms 319 - fish or cut bait / fishi

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下一篇:American Idioms 327 - on the/ ropes / give sb. enough rope to hang..
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