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在今天我们要讲的两个习惯用语里,一个关键的字就是:pin。Pin这个字单独用的时候可以解释为:别针。但是,pin这个字也有不少和其他字合在一起用的时候,例如: (来源:专业英语学习网站 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

Clothespins, hairpins, rolling pins. Clothespins是晒衣服时候用来夹衣服的夹子;hairpins是女人用的发夹,rolling pins是擀面杖。不过,在我们今天要讲的习惯用语里,pin的意思是用金属做的,头很尖的针,就像大头针一样。我们要讲的第一个习惯用语是:Pinhead. Pinhead这个字是由两个字,pin和head组成的。Head就是头。Pinhead这个字不能随便乱用,因为它对人不是很尊重。要是你把别人叫做pinhead,那你就是说那个人很笨,没有脑子,脑子小得像个针那样。下面就是一个人在说他的同事。

列句1:Jack is one of the best-looking men in the office. Too bad he's such a pinhead. If you talk to him for two minutes, you realize he doesn't have a brain in his head.



列句2:We have to admit Mark is really a pinhead. But I respect him because he works so hard. The problem is that some of our workers like to make fun of him. No wonder he lacks self esteem. It's a darn shame!


美国人常用guy这个字来指人。这是一个非常随便和口语化的说法。人们经常说:某某is a nice guy。那就是说:某某是一个很好的人。

下面我们要给大家讲的一个习惯用语是:On pins and needles. Pin是头很尖的针,needle是缝衣服的针。一个人不管是坐在这些针上,还是站在这些针上都是很难受的。因此,on pins and needles作为一个习惯用语。它的意思就是:由于某个原因而使得一个人很紧张,坐立不安。


列句3:Did you notice that young man pacing back and forth in the waiting room like a caged tiger? He was certainly on pins and needles - I'll bet this is the first time his wife has ever had a baby.



列句4:When the jury foreman started to read the verdict, the boxer's face was white as a sheet. He tried to look calm and confident but everybody in the courtroom knew he was on pins and needles.

我们先来解释一下什么是: jury foreman。美国司法制度的一个特点是审判一个案件一般都要从老百姓当中挑选成员组成陪审团。陪审团参加整个审判过程,然后经过讨论做出裁决。Jury这个字就是指的陪审团,foreman就是陪审团团长。


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上一篇:American Idioms 258 - top banana / top brass  
下一篇:American Idioms 260 - to cook up / smart cookies and tough cookies
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